Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It's been a couple of weeks since I have been at the clubhouse and there is a party tonight. Happy has talked me into going. "Just stay close to me tonight, okay?" Happy says. "Yeah, okay." I say. Taking the helmet that Happy offers me, I climb on behind him. Putting my arms around him, he pulls me flush with him and kisses my knuckles before putting my hands back on this abs. We take off and head to the clubhouse. Getting off his bike, I take a deep breath as he intertwines our fingers and leads me through the door. Getting to the bar, the prospect hands me a beer and I stand there while Happy is talking to Tig. Lyla walks over to me and asks "How are you doing?" I smile softly and say "I'm getting there." We talk for a few more minutes and Gemma walks over. Great, here we go. "Cami." she says and I just look over. "What do you need Gemma?" I asked. "I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have treated you like I did." she says. "Gemma, don't. You can apologize until you are blue in the face and it won't mean shit to me. But it's all good Gemma. Us Old Ladies can still live him harmony, can't we?" I asked and happy pulls me into his side. "Old Lady?" Gemma asked. I am wearing a tank top that shows off part of Happy's crow. "Yeah. Been official a couple of weeks now." I tell her. "Well, congrats sweetheart." she says before patting Happy on the arm and walking away.

Later that night, Happy and I retreat to his dorm room and as we lay down, he pulls me to him and asks "You gonna be able to work through your shit with Gemma or is it something you don't want to do?" he asked. "I won't go out of my way to be a bitch but I don't trust her and I won't put up with her shit anymore." I tell him. "Good enough for me." he says before hovering over me and kissing me deeply. Parting for air, I say "I need you Happy." He smirks and we start to undress each other. He enters me roughly and starts thrusting in and out at a rough, fast pace. Pulling out, he turns me over and enters me from behind. Pulling my upper body up against him as he thrusts in and out hard and fast, he hits my g-spot at a new angle and I start to see stars as I cum harder than I ever have before. As he feels me tighten and pulse around his hard cock, he loses control and releases himself inside me. Falling to the bed beside each other he says "God Damn Cami." He pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. "I fucking love you little girl." he says. I lean up and look at him and say "I love you too Happy." I lay my head down on his chest and let the rhythm of his heartbeat lull me to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, Happy wakes me up. "Get up little girl." I look up and see he's dressed for the day. "Five more minutes baby, please." I whine. "Get up and get dressed. We're taking a ride." he says. That causes me to look up at him. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To see Ma." he says smiling. That gets me smiling. I love seeing his mom. Twenty minutes later, I am dressed and we are heading off the lot and heading to Bakersfield.

Pulling up to his mom's house, we get off the bike and he takes my hand and leads me to the front door. Walking in, his mom is in the kitchen. "Ma?" he calls. "In here Mijo." she says. We walk into the kitchen and she sees me with him. "Mija. Are you okay?" she asked concerned. "Yeah, Ma. I'm good. Real good." I tell her. "Good Sweetheart. What brings you two here?" she asked. "Had the day off and thought we'd come see how you were doing." he says. About that time his Tia comes walking in. "Happy? Hola." "Hey Tia." Happy says. "Cami?" she asked. "Hi Tia Grace." I say. "I just came by to see what your ma needed from the store." she says. "Cami, go with Tia and help her." Happy says softly before kissing my temple. Looking at him, I smile and say "Okay." We walk out the door, leaving Happy to talk to his mom alone.

"Now Mijo, I know you didn't send that girl with my sister to help her. What's on your mind?" Happy looks at his mom and says "I gave her my crow." His mom asks wide eyed, "Does this mean what I think it does?" He nods. She gets up from the table and walks to her bedroom while Happy follows her. Getting into her jewelry box, she hands him a safety pin that has three rings on it. "These belonged to me and your father. I'm happy for you son." she says kissing his cheek.

Tia and I walk into the house with the groceries. Putting things in the cupboard, Happy walks in and asks "You ready to go?" I look at him and nod my head yes. We say our goodbye's and head out to the bike but I notice that we don't head back to Charming. I don't ask any questions because I trust him. We pull up to a park and he shuts off the bike. Getting off the bike, he takes my hand and pulls me over to a picnic table. We spend some time talking and before we know it, it's dark. Getting home, we shower and head to bed. Laying together, we doze off together.

Waking up the next morning, I open my eyes and realize that Happy is laying behind me with his arms around me. Looking down at our hands, I see something that wasn't there the night before. Raising my hand, I see a simple gold band with a beautiful diamond sitting on it. I hear Happy in my ear, "Marry me." I turn in his arms and before I can ask, "You're my Old Lady. I want you to be my wife." he says. I kiss him softly and say "Okay." He smiles a little and kisses me softly. I deepen the kiss and he hovers over me and slowly enters me as he claims me over and over before we finally have to get out of bed to start our day.

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