Chapter 5 🌹

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Dedicated to Trusoutherner
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Eliza wanted to accompany her back home. As she needed to be alone to wallow in her saddness, she insisted for her to stay back at the party. With some persuasion, Eliza told her a good bye after she promised to visit her the next day.

During the ride home, Kiara would feel Phillip's eyes, the Mathews couple's driver, on her. Though she did not made eye contact with him, she knew that he would glance at her through the reverview mirror. She was glad that he did not ask her anything.

When he stopped the car, she got out quickly but not before thanking him for dropping her home.

Once back inside her house with the door locked, she broke down. The tears that she held back, rolled down her eyes. She sat down on the floor crying her heart out. Her mind and heart were numb. The only thing that those two organs could process was the heartache she was going through.

After crying for what felt like hours even though it was about half hour since she returned home, she got up from the floor, wiped her tears which continued to fall down as she ascended the stairs that led to her room. Once there she went to take a shower. There also she continued to cry lost in her thoughts about the party; how all her hopes and dreams went down the drain. She would not be with the man that she loved. She was devastated.

After her parents' sudden death, she found it difficult to go through each day and she missed them badly. Every corner of the house reminded her of them. At the beginning, she found it difficult to live at her place. The loneliness would bite her. Eliza stayed with her for almost a month before she was ready to live alone.

The only thing that gave her the courage to try and live through that incident was Damon. When she felt the cold water running down her body, she snapped out of her thoughts. She turned off the tap, got out from the shower stall, wrapped a towel around her body and hair and went in her small walk in closet where she dressed in her pyjamas.

As soon as she got in her bed under her covers she received a call from a worried Mira. Reluctantly she answered as she doubted that her voice might be a giveaway of her feelings. At the same time, not answering meant making her worry which she did not want.

"Sweetheart. What happened? Eliza said that you left since you are not feeling well."

he enquired with a concerned tone.

Kiara smiled lightly. She knew that even if her parents were no longer with her, she still had Mira and Max. She felt a tug on her heart. During situations like these, she really needed her parents. They were the only one who could make her feel better. They would not have bothered her with the What, Why and Who questions. They would have been there to support her and give her some advices.

Kiara refused to give Mira the real reason of her leaving the party. A small part of her wanted to so that she could get some advice and support from her. She needed some motherly love. But since she did not have any intention to create problems for Damon, she continued with her lie though the fact that she was not feeling well was true.

"I am."
She cleared her throat as her voice was croaky.
"I am fine. Just a headache and I think I am coming down with a cold. Nothing to worry."
She lied.

Before Mira could say something, she apologised to her.

"Umm Mira I am sorry uhh I could not stay longer and meet you guys before I left."

"Oh honey. You know that, that is the last thing on my mind. Your health is more important. Make sure to take medecines and a hot beverage. I won't keep you long. You need to rest. I will come and visit you tomorrow with my famous soup."

Kiara wanted to prevent her from visiting her but she knew it would fall on deaf ears. Mira was a stubborn woman. Nothing and no one can change her mind once she decided something.

"Well I'll be waiting for you then."

They then said their goodbye and see you tomorrow before hanging.
Kiara placed her phone on the bedside table on her left and went to sleep with Damon on her mind. She had thought that she would be like an owl not able to sleep. However, as soon as her head hit the pillow she went into dreamland. Maybe the crying took a toll on her. She was emotionally and physically drained.

The next morning Kiara woke up with a pounding headache. It felt like someone was beating her on the head with a hammer. Her eyes were swollen; it hurt to open them. Her nose was red and puffy. Her cheeks were tear stained. In short, she was feeling terrible.

She wanted to stay in bed and to go in a deep sleep like the Sleeping Beauty where there would be no heartache and Damon. But Sleeping Beauty had her Prince Charming to wake her up bringing happiness for her while hers belonged to someone else and maybe wouldn't care if something happened to her.

No matter how much she wanted to stay in bed and forget about the world, she reluctantly got off the bed and started with her daily routines. While she was having breakfast at around ten o'clock, both Eliza and her mom kept their word and visited her.

She was happy that there were still people besides her parents who were worried and concerned about her well being. She felt loved and cared. Although the two women visited her almost at the same time, Mira left within an hour due to some committment leaving her alone with Eliza.

"How have you been doing good?"

Eliza asked softly grabbing both her hands in hers. Worry was laced in her tone. They were currently in her living room on her couch in front of the tv.

"I am fine. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I am not going to sugar coat words and say that it does not hurt. It hurts a lot but know that with you being here with me makes things a little better. I am sure that with time things will be better. I believe that everything happens for the best and what happened last night was the best. I think it is better than being rejected."

Kiara squeezed Eliza's hands. She knew that her best friend was hurting for her and she wanted to take away that pain.

Eliza nodded her head showing that she understood what she meant though that did not ease her worries. She would always be there for Kiara at every turn of life whenever she would need her.

Kiara took a deep breath and released it to calm herself. She opened her mouth to say something but then shut it. There was something that she wanted to tell Eliza but she was unsure of her reaction. During breakfast, she had taken a hard decision. She pondered about the prons and cons coming to the conclusion that it was a good decision.

Eliza felt that Kiara wanted to tell her something but was being hesitant.

"You know you can tell me anything. I will listen to you and will support you in anyway I can."

Kiara nodded her head and let out a sigh. She then told her about her decision. She was happy that Eliza fully supported her decision. She decided to go to England specifically London which was her mother's home town, for college. She did not have the heart to stay back and watch Damon being lovey dovey with his fiancee.

Eliza did not only agree with her decision but also decided to go with her. Kiara was speechless. At that moment she could say nothing except give her a tight hug to express her thankfulness and gratitude. Max and Mira were sad to let them go but they did help them with everything; from applications to finding a place to stay.

It was difficult for Kiara to leave her home but she had no other option. Staying back meant having her heart break everyday and not having the strength to live the days without feeling pain over and over.

End of flashback

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