Part 14

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"Maybe we should've set up some rules then, Preston," I huffed as I walked out the door and saw Chases' redhead disappear around the corner.

"Rules? What kind of rules," he asked as he followed me to the parking garage.

I fished around in my purse for my car keys and pressed the elevator button all with him still in tow, "Rules like 'No Exs' because I'm extremely jealous, and seeing you on the entertainment news channel with your supermodel ex Amelia Ryder isn't a good way to kick start a relationship, Sir."

As the elevator opened I walked to my car and unlocked it before getting in and seeing Preston get in on the passenger side, "I'm sorry, Flower. She called last night and said she had some news and wanted to share it with me. I didn't mean to make you jealous, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes and started the car before looking over at him, "What the hell are you doing, Preston? Seriously... We can continue to date in public if you want, but I don't want to spend any more time than I have to with you. I can't 'be' with someone I don't trust and if you're just flying out to New York or LA for your ex's all willy-nilly then we need to lay out some ground rules so that feelings don't get hurt."

"We aren't just dating in public, Daisy. I thought I made it clear that we were actually together. It would be better, more realistic," he sighed before putting his seatbelt on.

I guess he was thinking he was having lunch with me today, "I am not comfortable with that, Preston, and I'm not comfortable being alone with you anymore."

He looked over at me with a sad expression, "What? Look, I am sorry, Daisy. I don't care what the entertainment news channels have to say, I'm not with Amelia. We didn't even date, we had fun, and now it's over. I meant it when I said that nothing happened. I pride myself on the fact that I am very truthful."

I sighed, "I don't care, Preston. You don't get to have me and have your ex's too. I was stupid to just give you my virginity and I seriously regret it now, but there's obviously nothing I can do about it now, so I still just think that we should be 'together' in public, but professional in private...Sir."

His ran his hands through his hair, "What can I do to fix this, Daisy?"

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing, Preston. Just respect what I'm saying. Hell, you can be with Amelia now. She's well known and as I said earlier, your numbers will skyrocket. You don't need me anymore... I'll even..." I sighed, "I'll even leave the company peacefully."

He blanched, "What? You will do no such thing, Daisy! You are mine, do you hear me? And I don't just let what's mine walk out on me-- not again!"

My cheeks were tinted pink from how high my blood pressure was, "I do not belong to you, Preston. I am my own God damn person and I most certainly will leave that company if I want to!"

Our chests were heaving and his pupils were blown, "Take us to my apartment, Daisy."

I sucked in a breath before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, "No, Preston. I need you to get out of my car, please. I won't be going anywhere with you and you can consider this my two-week resignation."

"I didn't do anything with her! All we did was have dinner, but I can see that it has really affected you. Let me make it up to you, Flower, please," he begged in a whisper.

I rolled my eyes again, "And how will you do that, Preston? You think you can win me over in two weeks?"

His face was set in a hardened expression, "If I only have two weeks to win you back, then I'll do whatever it takes."

I huffed out a breath, "Why me? What's so special about me?"

"I don't know, Daisy. I think it's because you challenge me. You never seen to fucking listen to anything I say and your smart ass mouth," his eyes were on my lips, "Kiss me, Daisy, fuck."

I snorted, "No, Preston. We both know where that will lead."

He growled and grabbed my hair at the back of my head, "I won't ask again, Daisy. Get the fuck over here and kiss me."

I let him tilt my head up but closed my eyes, "No," I breathed out in defiance.

I wouldn't make this easy for him.

He let go and pushed his seat back as far as it would go before partially leaning it back, "Get over here," he said in a low voice.

I bit my lip and shook my head, "No."

He leaned over the console and I backed up all the way to the window but his lips were still a few inches from mine, "Are you playing hard to get, Love? Don't forget that I know all of your buttons, little Lioness, and I will exploit those at will."

He leaned even further and fisted my hair again, "I know what you like, Flower, and I'm the only one who can give it to you. Take us back to my apartment so I can do this in private or I'll be forced to belt you here."

I whimpered, "I can't."

He nodded, his lips brushing mine, "You can. I won't hurt anything other than your ass, not even your feelings. I'm sorry that you had to hear from the news that I went out with her, but I swear to you, Daisy, nothing happened."

My mind was foggy with lust. I just kept envisioning him with me over his knee and him bringing his belt down on my already reddened ass.

But there were a few things holding me back, one being, "I didn't bring any extra clothes," I whispered.

He smiled and pursed his lips, "Then let's go to your apartment."

With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath before opening the car door and getting out, "No, Preston. I can't. I won't let you use me again. Haven't you done enough damage already?"

He unbuckled and got out, shutting the door, "Fine. You win this round, Daisy," he came around to my side and pushed me against the door before fishing my hair again and spreading my legs with his knee.

"But make no mistake, you are still mine, and we will be going out tonight. I realize now that I need to do some damage control, for you and in the media."

He leaned forward, slowly, and captured my lips in a gentle kiss. I couldn't help but move my lips in sync with his before feeling him rub his thigh against my core, "Let me make you cum again," he whispered.

I leaned my head back against the door and breathed heavily.

What the fuck was I doing?

I mustered up all the strength I had left and pushed him away before wiping the lipstick from along my lips, "No, Preston. If that's all I am to you then you need to get the fuck away from me. I'll see you after lunch, Sir."

I got in my car and without another look at him, I reversed from my spot and headed out of the parking garage.

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