Part 68

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*Prestons POV*

*We gettin' all sappy and shit*


"Are you ready," I asked Dominic as I took a sip of my drink.

"Honestly, more ready then I've ever been for anything," he said as he took a sip of his own.

Our brothers and Katherine were putting the finishing touches on their suits and helping to knot ties, brushing off any lint and any nerves that might be present.

"I bet she'll look beautiful and radiant. Try not to break her water tonight though," I joked with him, punching his shoulder lightly.

He smirked before downing his drink, "I'll try not to. I want to enjoy her before the twins come. I'm sure it won't be all sunshine and rainbows when they get here, but I won't be too gentle with her either."

I nodded and finished off my drink as the planner knocked and then peeked in, "Dominic, it's show time."

I smiled at my brother and watched as he took a deep breath before walking to the door.

"Wait," I said as I grabbed a tissue from the box on the table and shoved it into his breast pocket, "Because we all know you're a crier," I joked and pushed him out the door.

Nerves were hitting me deeper than they ever had at how close I could be to this day...

It could be Dominic pushing me out the door to stand at the end of the aisle while I waited patiently for Daisy.

The thought sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

We had so much in front of us and here I was thinking about making her my wife...

I chuckled as I looked over the room at Katherine, Elijah, Nathaniel, and, of course, Bradley.

"That could be you real soon," the man in question said as he brushed his hands over my shoulders.

I smiled and brought him in for a hug, "You'd be there as well."

The door creaked open as the planner peeked in again, "Okay guys, we're ready for you. Please get in line as you'll be walking."

She opened the door and we followed her around the corner to the church lobby and when my eyes landed on Daisy...

In that dress...

I froze and felt Bradley bump into me, "Keep walking, cowboy," he whispered and pushed me forward.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her though.

The emerald green dress she was wearing was really fucking tight, like so tight that she wouldn't be able to bend over.

Not that she needed to though. The dress looked painted on her skin and I could tell from the 'V' of the neckline that she wasn't wearing a bra.

Jesus, she was just about spilling out of the dress and I was...

I wanted her.

Right then, right there.

She looked beautiful and I was honestly afraid she might steal the whole show.

"I'm gonna fucking combust," I whispered into her ear and felt her flinch as she hadn't heard me walk up next to her.

"What are you talking about," she asked in a whisper.

"This dress, flower," I smoothed my hands over her hips and ass, feeling how taut the material was against her skin, "I'm so hard right now, Daisy. All I can think about is ripping this dress off of you and fucking you senseless."

"It wouldn't be that hard to do," she said as we waited for the planner to tell us when to walk.


"All I'd have to do is bend over and the dress would rip. I'm not wearing any panties underneath either, so this dress is my only line of defense and it's not even a reliable one," she said in annoyance, but she couldn't tell what her words did to me.

The planner gestured for us to begin our walk but I wasn't through with this conversation.

"After the ceremony is over, we're gonna find a nice secluded room and I'm gonna fuck you so hard."

"In a church, Preston? That's blasphemous," she whispered playfully and we smiled brightly for one of the photographers.

"I could give a shit less whose house we're in. I'm fucking the life out of you once this is all through," I growled and we went to our separate sides of the bride and groom.

As the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle I could see Dom getting more and more nervous, and he wasn't really the nervous type. 

"You gonna cry," I teased in a whisper and heard him chuckle but watched as he reached for the tissue anyway.

And when, through the speakers, a slower version of The Bridal Chorus started playing and Genevieve walked through the archway with her father, I looked to Dominic and saw his eyes had already begun to water. 

How he must be feeling, watching the love of his life walk down the aisle towards him, ready to give herself to him and only him for the rest of their lives. 

And all while being pregnant with his children.

I looked over at Daisy and saw that she too was crying as were the rest of the bridesmaids. 

Dominic cleared his throat but let the few tears that managed to escape his eyes fall in trails down his cheeks as he gazed with adoring eyes at the woman he loved. 

And when I looked back at Genevieve and saw that she too had tears trailing down her cheeks, her eyes full of love and adoration for my brother, I knew without a doubt, not that there had been one since she made her decision on the steps of his house over a year ago, that they were meant for one another. 

All the trials and tribulations it took to get them here, all the fighting and hurt and me and her getting abducted... through it all, the love they shared had always been there. 

Even when she had been mine...she hadn't really been. Her mind was on him the whole time and she had probably been in love with him then. 

I knew now, seeing how they looked at each other, that I had that with Daisy. 

She was my one, my world. She was my reason for breathing, my reason for getting out of bed. She was my rock that kept me steady and grounded and I knew that I would never be able to let her down. She meant more to me than any precious gem the world had to offer. 

She was mine. And I, without a doubt, was hers. 

And as our eyes met, we shared a connection that said that one day...maybe one day soon, we would be in Dominic and Genevieves' shoes. 

This would be us. 

And I didn't care who would see...

But I would be a mess of tears for her as well. 

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