Part 4

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"We'll move on to my email now. Is that okay or is this too much to remember today?"

"No, Sir. I can remember," I said confidently and waited for his next move or instruction.

He placed his hand on mine on the mouse again, "Okay, so I use this email provider and I will have you log in every time so it's not just opened for any and everyone to see."

While the email webpage was loading he wrote a random sequence of letters, numbers, and symbols on a sticky note and stuck it to the side of the monitor, "This is my password. I want you to remember it and when you do I want you to shred this piece of paper. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir," I whispered.

"Good, I want you to check my email every morning when you first get in. Delete the junk mail, the promos, the spam, all of that, and condense the important ones down in the notes and calendar and I'll be able to look at it on my computer."

"Okay," I nodded.

I could do this easily. Having him so close behind me...that was another story. 


"Do you have plans tonight, Daisy," I heard him ask from his desk.

I looked up from the computer and saw his eyes gazing at me from across the room. I planned to go home and drink a glass of wine and probably take care of this need I had, but social plans-- no.

"No, Sir, just to have a glass of wine at home," I tried to make it sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Well, come out and have that glass of wine with me to celebrate a wonderful first day," he was smiling as he got up from his desk and walked over to mine.

"Um, is that allowed," I asked as my cheeks burned.

"I'm the boss, I'll allow it this once," he winked like it was an inside joke between the two of us.

"Will it be just us or are there going to be more people, because..."

I didn't want to disappoint him, but I also wanted to have some alone time with him outside of work. I wanted to see what he was like away from the stresses of the day to day grind.

"Just us, if that's okay with you. I won't come on to you if that's what you're worried about," he smirked as he leaned his hip against my desk.

I wouldn't mind if you did, but I knew that wouldn't happen. 

"That's fine, Sir," I nodded, hoping he'd get the double meaning. 


"Mr. Blackstone, I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long," I blushed as I walked up to the booth his large statue was occupying.

"I've only been here for about 15 minutes, so you're fine." The smirk on his face was playful and I was once again reminded of the absolute lust and desire I had taken care of before coming to meet and have a drink with him.

I had satisfied myself, but still felt I needed more while his tie that once hung around his neck was gone and the first few buttons of his shirt were open. He was set against the back of the booth with a hand around his glass of liquor, his demeanor calm and collected. 

I sat down and moved closer to the center of the rounded booth. He was staring at me intently with that smirk that had women flocking to him, down on their knees, waiting for any and every word he would allow them to hear.

His amber eyes were dark as they took in my more relaxed ensemble. I decided to change from professional to casual with a tight cropped top that ended at the top of my belly button and a pair of straight-leg jeans that hung low on my hips and a pair of strappy sandals.

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