-Bonus Chapter-

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*Do yourself a favor and listen to the song because it's their first dance song*

*Also, last chapter of the book. Anyone else feeling a little emotional? 🤧*

*Prestons POV*

Her cheeks had a rosy glow and her red hair was even more vibrant against the white snow that fell around us as we strolled down the walkway to the adjoining building that hosted our reception.

I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of her as she gasped and pointed, "Look, babe! It looks like an actual snowflake! It's so beautiful!"

"Mmhmm," I breathed out, taken aback by her beauty, "You sure are."

She looked over at me with a smile and I noticed her face flushed even further under her already rosy cheeks, "The snowflakes, Preston."

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head, "Precisely, my little snowflake. My little winter flower, my little rosy-cheeked wife."

She let out a sigh of content as she snuggled closer and my heart felt fuller than it had ever.

She was my wife now. She was contractually obligated to be with me now.

The thought had my blood plummeting south again.

She was mine forever and I knew I'd never let her go.

"Have I told you lately that I love you," I lightly sang to which I felt her eyes on me, "Can I tell you once again somehow? Have I told, with all my heart and soul, how I adore you? Well, darlin', I'm tellin' you now.

"You should sing for me more," she said thoughtfully.

"Whatever you'd like, Flower," I said and continued humming lightly.

We made it to the door too soon. I wanted her without sharing for a little while longer but I knew we needed to make appearances.

"We've been waiting for you two," My mother called accusingly in our direction but from behind her, I could see my father fighting a smirk.

The most emotion I'd ever seen on the old man and it was because we were late to our reception and he had an idea of why.

"Can you blame me, mother? Doesn't she look divine," I asked as I laid eyes on my blushing bride again.

"Yes, yes," she huffed, "But her hair is a mess now."

Daisy's eyes widened and she began smoothing down her hair but I stopped her by pulling her hands away, "You look amazing, Daisy. Your eyes are glowing and you look radiant. Leave it. Besides, it doesn't look bad; you could never look bad."

She exhaled as she looked into my eyes and I swear I could get lost in those jade green jewels forever and never even ask to be found.

"It's time for your first dance," my mother broke through my thoughts.

At least I got a bit more time with her to myself.

The song she let me choose started playing through the speakers as I grabbed her right hand in my left, my right finding the small of her back, her left at the back of my neck.

I sang all the words quietly into her ear as we held each other tight and it seemed that the rest of the world fell away from us.

It was just me and her in that moment, alone on the dance floor, swaying to the music, both lost in the other's presence.

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