Chapter 2

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I was hanging up clothes in my store when a couple of girls walked in. They were dressed like skaters, I'm guessing they are around fifteen.
"Hey guys how's it going?" I spoke
"Hello- good" One replied.
I walked back to the register. They were looking around before coming up to me with some items.
"I like your shirt" One of the girls spoke as she points to my Levi shirt, it's rainbow.
"Thanks! It's one of my favourites" I replied.
Once they left, I went on lunch break. I close my store for a half an hour a day between 1-1.30pm, it's usually the quietest time of the day and I just put a sign up saying, will be back by 1.30pm. Until I can afford to hire an employee, this is the way I do things. While I was on break I had a text from Julia, I haven't seen or heard from her since she came to my shop the other day. I opened the text and it read;
Hello Summer, it's Julia. Friday night sounds good for drinks. Where should we meet?
I replied;
Hey Julia, how about The Jaguar, off of Tony Street?
I suggested that particular hotel as it's quite classy and probably more her style than just any regular pub. She replied not long after saying she'll meet me there at 7.

I wasn't sure what tonight was, I'm guessing just a night out as friends. I don't usually go out, I'm always stuck home with Owen. I wore my black skinny jeans, plain black Vans with a white Ralph Lauren button up t-shirt. I straightened my long, blonde hair. I got foils put in a couple weeks ago so it looks nicer. I grabbed my wallet and keys before heading out.
I arrived to the hotel, parked my car and walked inside. People were dining, some were gambling in the pokies section and some people are just around the bar section. I walked to the bar room where I searched for Julia. I spotted her straight away. She was sitting on a couch chair, I joined her.
"Hello" I spoke
"Hi! Geez I feel like I over dressed" She replied. I admired her. She was wearing a long black dress that hugged all her curves with small black heels. I wonder why she went through all this effort? Maybe she just hasn't been out in a long time...
"I haven't been out in a while so I wasn't sure what I should've worn" She added, yeah I thought so.
"You look lovely! Beautiful dress!" I stated
"Thankyou, I like your... shirt" She struggled to compliment me.
"What drink would you like? First round is on me" I stated
"Oh! That's okay, I'll get mine" She replied
"I insist... You can get next round" I stated
"Okay, um just a tequila sprite please" She replied. Typical older woman drink.

After a couple drinks, we became comfortable talking to each other again just like at my shop the other day. I think we were both nervous... but why?
She spoke about her kids, her job and sadly, her husband who sounds useless by the way. I spoke about my family. How I'm close with them. I told her about Owen and Boomer. After a while, we got into some interesting topics of conversation.
"So, are you happy... With Mike?" I asked
"I mean, I can't say yes but it's not like it's horrible. I feel like him and I just don't communicate like we used to and aren't as affectionate. The sex is just horrible... The last time was maybe a few months ago and even then, it lasted for ten minutes" She explained
"That's tragic... I'm sorry" I replied
"What's tragic?" She asked
"The sex. A woman has needs, especially a woman with kids and who has a lot of stress on her shoulders. You'll need to be relieved of tension" I replied
"Ugh that I do" She spoke as she sipped the last of her drink.
"Wow I think I should stop now before wild Julia comes out" She spoke
"Wild Julia hey, I would like to get to know her" I smiled
"Haha no you don't" She smiled shyly
"Why?" I asked
"She's just completely different to normal, everyday Julia" She replied. She's so cute.
"Want to go up to the balcony upstairs? There's fresh air and a nice view of the street lights" I suggested
"Sure! I haven't been up there before" she replied. We then walked up the stairs and out on the balcony. It was pretty dark up here, with a few blue and pink neon lights. There were a few people having some drinks and smoking out here. I pulled out my packet of smokes.
"Do you smoke?" I asked
"Oh no, I don't haha" She replied
"I do, socially... Mainly when I drink" I spoke
"Naughty" She replied.
We stood for a while, in silence just looking at the lights. I looked over at Julia who looked stunning. She caught me starring.
"What?" She smiled nervously
"Nothing, you just look very beautiful" I flirted a little without realising. She looked down and smiled. I don't know if it was the music playing softly through the speakers, or the night lights or the few drinks that I had but I moved a bit of her hair out of her face. I usually only do that when I'm about to go in for a kiss. She became nervous, I could tell by the way she was standing. I looked down at her hand and I remembered her ring. I turned back around and continued smoking. Keep it together Summer, she's married!
"I think I might need another drink" She spoke
"I agree" I replied.
We walked back downstairs where we ordered our last drink.
"Can I ask something?" She asked as we got our drinks.
"Shoot" I replied as I took a sip.
"How did you know you were gay and when?" She asked
"Are you asking for my coming out story?" I smirked
"If that's what you want to call it" She smiled
"Uhh okay um I was around sixteen or seventeen. I just dumped my boyfriend who I never had sex with, I just kissed him and strung him along because I never felt turned on by him and then I realised why... I was watching a movie once where the main characters were lesbians and ever since then, yeah I suppose I've just been with girls" I explained
"Are girls better kisses?" She asked
"I've kissed my fair share of boys in my time and I definitely prefer women. The touch of a woman, the smell, it's so compelling and soft compared to men" I went on
"I kissed a woman... Once!" She admitted, I raised my eyebrows.
"When was this?" I smiled
"My early twenties. Before I met my husband. I was out with my girlfriends in town and we went to this gay night club because the men there were gorgeous and we just liked to perv. Anyway, there was this one woman. She was gorgeous. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. We were dancing and before I knew it, she was kissing me but I didn't exactly stop her. I just went with it" She explained
"Did you like it?" I asked, I am intrigued.
"I did actually but I was scared. I felt like what I did was wrong... So I didn't read to much into it" She replied
"Well, just to clarify... What you did, wasn't wrong at all" I stated
"Oh I know but back then I was nieve and very much straight" She replied
"My condolences" I smirked, she looked at me confusingly.
"You, being straight... You have and are missing out. Just saying" I smiled as I took a sip of my drink.
"Oh really" She raised her eyebrows
"And how have I missed out?" She added
"Well, I'm going to guess you rarely to never orgasm with your husband?" I stated, she looked at me in shock.
"I...-" She went to speak before I cut her off;
"I'm just assuming but my point being, with a woman, you orgasm not only everytime but multiple times"
She looked intrigued, confused and scared. I finished the rest of my drink.
"Thankyou for the drink Julia. It was fun" I spoke
"Are you saying you actually had fun with an old woman such as myself?" She joked
"Old, pffft hardly. You're still young!" I replied
"Young!? I'm 40!" She replied
"Well you definitely don't look it" I stated as I looked at her up and down.
"We should do this again, sometime, maybe. If I didn't bore you too much" She stated
"Bore, no way! I like when wild Julia comes out for a drink" I winked, she shoved me and giggled. We were close. We locked eyes. I could smell her perfume, she smelt rich. I took a step back.
"Maybe next weekend, if you're free" I stated
"I'll let you know" She replied.
"Goodnight Julia" I spoke as I planted a kiss on the side of her cheek. I walked to my car and got in. I was probably just over the limit so let's pray I get home without getting pulled over.

This week is dragging. It's Wednesday and I still feel like the week has forever to go. I was at Expresso Grind waiting for my coffee when I saw Julia walk in on her phone. She saw me and smiled. Once she got off the phone she made her way towards me.
"Hey" I spoke
"Hello! How are you?" She asked
"I'm tired... You?" I replied
"Also tired and stressed but I'm okay" She spoke
"Sounds like you need a drink" I stated
"Yep, that's why I'm getting a coffee" She replied
"Oh, I meant a proper drink" I smiled
"Oh! Haha, well yes that would also be nice" She replied
"If you're free, come hang out with me. I'm not doing anything Friday night" I suggested
"My son has a birthday party to go to that night so maybe after I drop him off I'll pop around until he needs to be picked up... If that's okay" She explained
"That sounds great! I'll text you my address" I replied as I grabbed my coffee and walked out.

While I was at work I couldn't help but think about Julia... How gorgeous she was, how she gets nervous around me at times but also how she's curious. I hope her and I can remain good friends because I think I've grown to become attached to her. I need to put my feelings aside to keep this connection with her. This sort of feeling is hard to come by.

I just got home. I made myself a cup of soup for dinner. I heard my door bell ring. I answered it and to no surprise, it was Owen.
"Hey!" He spoke as he walked in with his backpack.
"Guessing you're staying over?" I spoke
"You know it!" He replied as she slumped on my couch, I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"So, what's new! Feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" He stated.
"It's been like a week" I replied
"A lot can happen in a week" He stated
"True!" I replied
"I met someone, a woman" I spoke, he sat up and gave me a surprised look.
"Not what you think... I met her at the café near my work. She's older, married and has kids" I explained
"Is she hot?" He asked
"Yeah she's hot but anyway, not the point. Actually that's kind of the point but I'm getting to that... So anyway we got talking at the café and then she came into my shop with her son and we got talking again. We then had a drink last Friday night. Which was great and intesteting. Nothing happened obviously but she is gorgeous and I can't stop thinking about her" I blabbered on
"Interesting. Damn, didn't peg you the type to go for older women, let alone a married one" He replied
"Ugh I'm not going to hit it if that's what you're thinking... I mean it's crossed my might once or twice but I respect her husband and her children enough not to try anything" I explained
"Nah, that's good... So, have you made another time to see each other or was it a one off thing?" He asked
"She's coming over Friday night after she drops her son off to a birthday party" I replied
"Bro, she's coming over! Nah man, she's into you" He stated
"That's quite an assumption" I laughed
"Why would a married woman happily come over to a very obvious lesbians house? Hmmm" He raised his eyebrows
"We are friends. We have a good connection" I replied
"Okay... Sure... I think mumma wants a piece of you... What's her name?" He asked
"Julia" I replied
"Oh yeah, Julia for sure sounds like a sexy, slutty name" He replied
"Oi, she's not like that" I defended her
"I'm just kidding around Sum..." He smiled, I rolled my eyes.
"Speaking of the devil, she just messaged me" I spoke as I checked my phone. Owen ran up to me to suss the message as well.
Hey Summer, how are you? I hope work wasn't too dragging
"Does she always message you like this?" He asked
"No, she doesn't actually" I replied
Hey Julia! Yeah work was a drag but I'm glad I'm home now. Owens here ofcourse, I'm excited for Friday.
"Wow you make me out to be such a burden" Owen stated
"You are" I winked
"Stop flirting with her" He smiled
"I'm not!" I replied
"Oh, 'I'm excited for Friday' yeah okay" He rolled his eyes.
She replied;
I'm also excited. I need to get out of the house more instead of watching TV and cleaning the house lol.
She's so cute...
Haha, well I take it as a compliment that you'd rather hang out with me than stay at your house and clean ;)
"Why are you smiling at your phone for? You're such a dork" Owen stated
"Stop looking at me!" I replied as I turned around.
"What's she saying?" Owen asked
Julia replied;
You're great company Summer! See you Friday
"Not much, she said she'll see me Friday" I stated
"What are you even going to do? Oh can I please be here?! Just to meet her then I'll go!" He pipes up
"No!" I replied
"Please! Just let me meet her and then I'll go straight away!" He pleaded
"Ugh fine but seriously you have to leave straight away" I stated
"Why? Y'all going to get up to something?" He winked
"No... We are still getting to know each other and it will obviously be better without you here" I smiled
"Okay" He replied as he slumped back on the couch.

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