I've Killed

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Teuila watched Sefina ride away on her bike from the front window of her bungalow. She walked over to the kitchen counter and picked up the bottle of barbiturates. Tueila turned the bottle over in her hands for a while. Listening to the pills as the tumbled around the bottle. She put the bottle in a cabinet and walked out onto the patio. To think.

Sefina walked into the station near the beginning of her shift. She saw no one at the desk. She looked into the window that showed the inside of the booth to see both Jane and Charlie talking inside. Sefina checked for the red light that showed the booth was live. Not seeing it she tapped on the window and waved at it's two occupants.

Charlie quickly exited the booth. "What are you doing here?"

"I still work here, don't I?" Sefina was worried that something had happened while she was caring for Teuila.

"Of course you do, but I didn't expect you back today. I thought Teuila was sick." Charlie must not have heard the entire situation, Sefina thought. Or he would know it was more emotional than physical.

"She'll be fine without me for a while. I'll check on her later." Sefina assured Charlie.

"I heard what happened. She won't be fine. Sefina, something like that takes an emotional toll that you simply can't imagine." Charlie said. "I'd rather you stuck around her for a couple days."

"Charlie, she doesn't want me there. She says she has to work through this alone." Sefina was concerned about Teuila, but she respected her privacy. "Like I said, I'll check on her tonight."

Charlie decided not to press Sefina on the subject. He had heard yesterday what had happened. It had trickled down the island grapevine through Flo Lega the night disk jockey. Charlie couldn't get Doc Bao to confirm it, but Kane said that Teuila had taken the death of the child badly.

Kane was discreet enough not to say that Teuila had killed the child. Charlie knew that three such children died when Moaro was King. Each time it seemed to take something away from the old man. Charlie had killed men during the war. He had nightmares about it. How much worse would be killing a child. Even if death would have been merciful for the parents and the child itself.

Nehili Legi had called Teuila that afternoon. Teuila was still listless. Nehili could hear it in Teuila's voice. She had called to inform Teuila that Mike Hatta had ordered a emergency meeting of the council. Most of the advisors had declined Mike's suggestion for a meeting.

"Now is not the time for politics." Nehili assured Teuila. "I know you did what was necessary. I don't like it, but it had to be done. I'm sorry that according to custom it had to be you."

"Thank you Nehili. You know that I trust you. I'm having trouble just thinking right now. It's like I'm trying to find my way in a thick fog." Teuila had known Nehili for years. She was ten years older than Teuila, an advisor when her Father was still king of the island. "I'd like you to represent me at the Council meetings until I can think straight."

"Of course, luv." Nehili was honored that the younger woman would put that much trust into her. "I suppose something like this could set you right off."

"I'll work it all out in a few days, until then, just keep Mike Hatta off of my back." Teuila was feeling a little better, she just needed more time.

"I know you will, you are a strong woman. Get better. Call me when you are ready to meet with the Council." With that Nehili said her goodbyes and hung up.

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