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Kane didn't ask about the conversation that Teuila and Daisy had. She did see a difference in Daisy's attitude. Daisy hummed, she was happy again, like she was when she first came to work at the clinic. Instead of snapping at people she began to talk nicely to them again. Kane was glad that Teuila had talked some sense in the girl. Because Li was thinking of firing her, and Kane was agreeable to it, until now.

Teuila arrived at the Waka Press next. From the way that Nash was yelling at the two men who were running his press something was going wrong. Teuila could here Nash over the running press. Something about the evening edition being late.

Deciding that this wasn't the time for a visit, Teuila cut out from the shop before Nash noticed her. She walked on towards the radio station. As she walked, Teuila wished she had stayed, to invite Nash to lunch at the Victory Cafe.

Waka radio was a two story building. It had a large broadcast tower. Which reached beyond the island and for several miles into the sea. Anyone with a radio on their boat could pick up the signal. If the conditions were right, other islands picked up the signal as well.

Inside the station Teuila noticed the new girl sitting at the desk. She was very young. No more than a teen-ager. Teuila watched the girl stand up and curtsy. Teuila was confused.

"Good Morning, Queen Ahiri." Said the girl.

"Good Morning, but just call me Miss, not Queen." Teuila was never comfortable with people using the title. Technically she wasn't a Queen, Princess, or anything of the like. Merely a tribal leader. Chieftess.

"But you are the island's Queen, aren't you my Majesty." Teuila rolled her eyes. Were people going to call her that now?

"Chieftess. I am the tribal chieftess, we aren't so grandiose to have a Queen. Despite what you might have been told. Now, what is your name." Teuila smiled at the girl to let her know she wasn't upset with her.

"Missy Tamati." Said the girl.

"You're Johnny's little girl." Teuila had forgotten that John had a girl. "How is your Mother?"

"She's okay. Thank you for asking. She misses Papa though." Missy looked down at the desk. It appeared to Teuila that Missy missed her Papa as well.

"How is the pension your Mother is getting. Is it enough?" Teuila hoped that the family wasn't in financial trouble. Teuila hadn't had much time to really check on John's family.

"It's plenty for the two of us." Missy was still standing. "I'm just working here part time, so Aunt Jane can do broadcasting. She likes it, and Mr. King, he wants her to get more practice."

Since John had died in the line of duty, Teuila made sure that his wife, Mary, got a pension. Mary had originally protested that she didn't need charity. It had been Sefina who explained to her that her husband had died while in the course of his duties, so she deserved to be compensated for his loss. Teuila explained that the British and Americans both compensated the widows of those who died in duty to their country.

Teuila turned towards Charlie's office. To see the words 'Studio One' on the door. The largest room, originally a war room, in the station Charlie had used it as his office. The huge room littered with electronic equipment. There was also a red light over the door, similar to the light outside the broadcast booth which turned on when recording.

"Mr. King is through that door, the first office to the right." Missy explained. "He doesn't use that room as an office, now that he's going to use it as a broadcast room."

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