Leaving the Underworld

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Nehili visited Teuila the next day at her bungalow. "After you left in tears, both the Council and the rest of the islanders were willing to agree with anything."

They were having tea on the patio. Teuila poured Nehili more tea as she talked. "Since you are Queen, we certainly can't replace you. Nor do we wish to make you a purely diplomatic figurehead. To be honest, it took a keen mind to develop a savings plan that would replace a majority of the houses on the island, the fishing boats, and make road improvements."

"I have no doubt dropping their taxes made the islanders more receptive to my tears." Teuila said.

She was not feeling her best. The Council meeting had drained Teuila. She had taken a barbiturate to help her sleep. She still hadn't touched the isoniazid. Teuila had learned that it was the same medicine that was used for tuberculosis. A dozen cases had broke out on the island during the Pacific Campaign. Teuila had been among the islanders willing to help those islanders who had caught the disease.

"Sharing the information as to why the taxes were so high only with my most trusted advisors took Mike off guard." Nehili was one of the few people who knew.

"My Father had started the high taxes when he was King, because it was necessary with the war going on." Teuila's Father had never lowered the rate, because after the war there was a great deal of financial difficulties for the island. "When Da died I just didn't care at first, until I saw how much was coming in. Then I began to realize how much Da saved already."

"Prefab homes, trailer homes, all rather luxurious for islanders, but dirt cheap as well. All ordered from mail order catalogues. That was brilliant." Nehili was very impressed.

"Taxes are still high, but I intend to use it for further improvements for the island. Eventually taxes will fall to fifteen percent." Teuila felt that in just a few years the outrageous taxation would come to an end.

"Teuila. Have you thought about a flag for the island." Nehili had heard a lot about the adoption of a new flag for the island.

"The old Union Jack flew the island for years." Teuila remembered when she was a child, seeing the British flag flying outside the old Governor's Building.

"Well, we can't justify using the United Kingdom's flag. As for the American flag, well they are going to change it some day to forty-nine stars. We'll have to buy all new flags anyway." Nehili smiled at Teuila. Her friend forced a smile, that became easier once she started.

"The United States still promises to protect us from invasion or other threats." Teuila appreciated all that the United States had done for the island, both during, and after the war. "I don't have a problem flying their flag as long as they are willing to assist us."

Nehili started to object. Teuila held up a hand. "I'm not saying we shouldn't have our own flag, only that there is no rush, and I still want to fly the Stars and Stripes at the New Court Building."

"I'd like the islanders to have some say in this." Nehili said. "Maybe we could make a contest for the children and adults to give designs and ideas. Of course, the Council will pick the best ideas and submit them to you."

"Actually, that sounds like fun. Since I'm taking a break from the Council, it will also give me something to do, but I want to see all of the design ideas. And a decision with the Council concerning the final picks."

"I hoped you'd like the idea." Nehili agreed. Teuila had transferred most of her decision making to the Council, with Nehili as their leader.

"I also want to suggest that any further children who have severe malformation be given over the the executioner." Teuila said. "I can't go through that again. I'll understand if the executioner can't or won't do it. I just know that I can't do it again. It killed my Father in the end, I think that it will eventually destroy my soul."

Nehili understood. "I can't imagine what you've gone through the last few days. But, after seeing you break down during the meeting, I have to agree."

Before Nehili left she laid Teuila's tiara on the patio table. "I know you're Father gave this to you as a joke, but it's the symbol of your rule. I used it during the meeting to stress that."

"I know, that is why I continue to wear it. To remind me of my responsibilities. Not to mention to remember not to get too full of myself." Teuila took up the tiara and turned it over in her hands.

"Yesterday, I used it to remind the Council and the islanders of the same thing. It will be some time before Mike gets too full of himself again to believe he can replace you." Nehili had a new respect for the tiara that was no more than a child's toy.

"If I only knew. If Da knew he would have never joked about it." Teuila tossed the tiara onto the table.

"Well, it helped you last night." Nehila left as Teuila stared at the tiara on the table.

Teuila finally got up and put the tiara in it's usual place in her dresser drawer. Among panties, girdles, and bras. Stockings and garter belts that were more for Nash, then for wearing in public. Teuila closed the drawer that contained her most private things. She had a wave of depression come over her as she talked to Nehila.

Before the depression could consume her, Teuila started cleaning up the tea service. Bringing it in from the patio. Once that was done Teuila refused to let the depression take her. Teuila went out to the Victory Cafe. She sat at a table that looked out over the ocean. Teuila ordered iced tea. Sat at the table, looking out at the ocean.

At the bottom of the ocean, according to Waka legends was the underworld where the dead went to live among coral reefs and colorful fish. Only to return to Waka one day in another form. Teuila wondered if she went out into the ocean, she'd find the underworld. To return without the horrible memory of the child she had killed.

Teuila sighed. Where did these dark thoughts come from? Her life was good. People loved her. She was in a position of power where she could do good for her people. Teuila was already making plans to make life on the island a paradise. What did she need the paradise of an afterlife for, if her parasdise was on the island? Angry at herself Teuila left the cafe, leaving half of her drink on the table.

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