Good -vs- Bad

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I remembered his dad explaining to Jay in my dream how he wanted Jay to trap me and suck my powers away from my control.  What was Jay thinking when he agreed to go along with his father’s commands?  I needed to find his motive behind this sinister plan and try to persuade him that it was not worth it.

“Lisa?”  I practically peed my pants and almost screamed at the top of my lungs, until I turned around, only to find myself facing a teary-eyed Jay.  “Lisa….I have to tell you that we were never friends.  It was all I lie, but I had to do it, I had to–”  He cut off and sniffled back a heavily snotty nose and stood up straighter.  I knew he was trying to pull himself together.  He tried his best to look confident and indestructible as he kept a stiff upper lip and blinked back his tears.

“Jay, you don’t have to do this, you know.”  I thought debating might work.  “You’re better than this, I knew it the moment we kissed.  I could sense you restraining from feeling love, but Jay, you’re still human and you’re allowed to feel those things.”  He appeared to be trying to ignore me, but his efforts were failing, as I continued on.  “Your dad believes that ‘my kind’ doesn’t believe in the freedom of choice, but he had taken that away from you long before we met.”  

Jay instantly flashed me with a cruel, enraged face as he walked closer to the invisible force field.

“You don’t know anything about me or my past!”  Jay specified, losing his self-control.  “This has nothing to do with my father’s choices.  I’ve made my own decisions my whole life.  You don’t understand how much pressure I’m under.  He just gives me a chance to move forward.”  Jay averted his tiger-eyes from mine, as they wandered toward my backpack lying by his right foot.

What did he need to move forward from? Something had obviously made him resist the better choices granted in life.  I tried wrapping my head around his idea of the “better choice.”  I couldn’t quite comprehend the intense circumstances he had to be under to push away all the good things in life.  Maybe he was just depressed; maybe he had no hope or faith remaining to guide him to the good.  I thought of the things he might be missing from his life.  I wondered how his father held such a dominant part in Jay’s life and what consequences Jay was held against.

“You know there is so much good in this world, enough good to conquer all the evil this world has to offer.  Together we can overcome this darkness and venture into the world, providing aid for the indecisive. That’s way more powerful than any bad could have on an individual.  And what did your dad mean when he said consequences?”  I asked.  “What will become to you if you don’t go through with this?”

His facial expression only grew angrier as he tensed up and spat out, “How do you know about the consequences?!” His behavior was beginning to scare me. His pacing was speeding up as he rubbed his hands nervously over his face and neck.

“Jay….” I was suddenly cut off by my swirling thoughts.  I thought about the family he had, his father seemed to be the only influence on him.  The thought sprung into my head before I had time to decipher other options. Jay had no mother…. Where was his mother?  Is that why his father was so cold-hearted, so closely squished between the walls he built up around him?  She must have left them, or worse, died.  “Jay, where’s your mother?”  I insisted.

“How d-do you know about my mo-mother?” he stuttered.

“I had a dream, a weird dream, from before school started, where I was you and your dad was addressing you with your duties to…”

“To erase your powers.”  He admitted.

“I don’t understand this I miss us, Jay.  I wish I could just–” I was abruptly interrupted as a cement door flung out of the wall to my right and swung across the room.

A man only a few feet away from Jay threw his hand up and thrust it toward Jay. I watched, shocked as Jay collapsed to the ground at the touch of the man.

“JAY!” I screeched.

The man’s head whisked to the side, and he strode toward me. 

“No please don’t–”  But the man had already outstretched his arm to my head and tapped it lightly.  “Please don’t….”  I was falling asleep fast, and I was useless, I had done nothing to stop the man from getting to Jay.

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