She the victim... heck no... I am...

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I walk down the hall as I grip my book tight. Head bow down and tried to avoid anyone at reach. Within 10 minute walk down the hall, I found myself down at the floor. The sound of laughter echo down to your ear could only hurt much. I didn't need to look up to see the suspect of my mischief, I knew who it was. "Watch your step, nerd," he said and walk away. I wanted to cry, but crying shows weakness and I didn't want that. As Nick, the one who push me down, walked away; the other students walked away as well. When they were gone, I buried my face and cried to myself. Then I heard footstep coming toward me. I clear my face and saw Marissa, my only friend at the school, reach out her hand. I grab it and thank her. Marissa can be arrogant, annoying, loud, sarcastic and a smartass, but she is the only one that make myself sane. She is the only person who ever stood up for me, while her other friends walk away from me so they won't be label as the 'loser kids'. "You don't deserve this," Marissa said. "No, nobody can despise a person this much for no reason. I sometime do believe I do deserve this," I said as I put on a brave smile. "Ohh, hunny. No one deserve to be treated as nothing. I for one know that you are worth a zillion times a million. You are one awesome girl, like me," she said as she flip her hair to the side. I laugh knowing Marissa porously did that to lighten the mood. I smile to my best friend and nodded. "Yes you are, you are one awesome girl Mer, that's why I love you" "I know that's why I said it. And Demz I know know you love me, everybody does. That's why you can't spell love without e for Mar-e-ssa," she joke. "But you can't," Demi said hinting her lame joke. "Whateves," she scoff that made me roll my eye.

It was the end of the class and I couldn't wait to go home. As I rush to my locker to get my items, I felt a pain right through my neck and back. As I felt the pain goes to ease, I realizes that I was slam into a nearby locker. "And where are you going Demetria," Nick said with a mocking voice. Next to him, I saw his older brother,Joe, and my use to be best friend, Selena. I could see the hint of amusement right into their eyes. I couldn't believe that these three people standing in front of my face was my childhood friend, but now they were the bully. They still act like complete angel to my parent or anyone we knew, but when the turn their back; the hint in their eyes want you to run away as soon as possible. I had enough of their torment. "Dont you three have much more better to do," I said. But as soon I realize what I have said, I knew this wasn't to turn out good. I saw him smirk at me as he shove more pressure into his forearm, forcing pain on my neck. I hiss on the pain, but soon release when we heard Ms. Monrou voice. "Nicolas, please reframe your hand off to Demetria. And You two go home," she said as she point Joe and Selena to leave the premises. Nick let go and began to walk away. "Not you Nicolas. You, Demetria and I need to have a chat." We follow her to her room and seated in front of the class facing her table. "Nicolas, how many times did I tell you that we don't tolerate bullying at this school? And if I ever see this again, I have no choice to suspend you. Do you understand," Ms. Monrou said with a stern voice. Nick smirk at her (yeah no shame, typical bad boy prep). "Ms. Monrou, you have the wrong person to lecture this. You think she is the victim here. No I am. All people could see is this sweet innocent girl sitting in front of you, but fyi she is not. She's much more a bully then me. Am I right, love? So before you lecture me about bullying you should lecture this girl first," Nick said as he storm out off the door. I stood up and thank Ms. Monrou for the help and walk away. As I was headed to my home, someone grab my collar and slam me on the wall. I saw a furious Nick.

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