Something I thought of

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Not sure if this a headcanon but its kinda off topic on rusame

Today UN and Germany left a big poster of rules inside the meeting room, all of the countries,continents and provinces were crowding it trying to read the new rules.

The Rules(made by UN and Germany)

Dear countries and states of the world, Germoney and I left this rule sheet in the meeting rule because of all the chaos and drama going around this place. Please read.

Rule #1: Please don't mention past wars or past disasters like ww1, ww2,9/11, etc just to win an argument or start drama(Its really offensive to most of us countries/states!)

Rule #2: Don't even think about joining a world meeting if your high on weed or just had some vodka(Especially you, Russia and Netherlands!)

Rule #3: Please don't bring any weapons in a world meeting(I'm looking at you America, NO GUNS.)

Rule #4: Please, don't ever mention oil if America isn't more than fifty feet away. You know what could happen.

Rule #5: Don't bring any hentai to a world meeting just because you're 'bored', or need to be 'entertained'. Ahem, Japan.

Rule #6: Please don't try to get Canada to do favors for you. yes he would do it, yes he would not complain or hesitate, but its terrible to take advantage of him.

Rule #7: STOP.BRINGING.ANIMALS. We are sick and tired of randomly getting attacked by alligators, eagles, kangaroos,bears, and spiders. This goes for America, Indonesi, Australia, Russia and Canada!

Rule #8: America, please check if any of your states are following you to a meeting. We do not want to hear Maryland crying because she doesn't know her religion!

Rule #9: If America or Australia randomly catch on fire please put them out immediately, America will be on fire because California is having another fire and Australia Will be on fire because he is having another one of those 'screw you' seasons.

Rule #10: Don't make any "France surrender" jokes, it's very childish and rude!

Rule #11: Make sure to keep South Korea from North Korea at all costs, you know how they are.

Rule #12: Don't get political, it starts arguments.

Rule #13: When the holiday mother's day or father's day comes, don't start giving gifts or be appreciating to your parents at the meeting. There are some countries grieving about the lost of their parents.

Rule #14: Please don't try to challenge a superpower country or world giant(Russia, America, China india, and Canada) You will not win.

Rule #15: Enough of the stereotypes, America and England find it annoying when you greet them with 'howdy' or call them 'partner'. Especially in a terrible southern accent, also don't refer China or Japan as 'Ching-Chong' it's extremely rude.

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