La Diabla - Chapter Twelve

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"Oscar come on, you make rash decisions when you're mad." Cesar followed him out of Ruby'a house. The lockdown was over and Oscar had stormed out of the house after sitting in the bathroom for two hours.

"Get off me!" He yelled, shoving Cesar back. "Quit protecting that Diabla cause I can assure you I'm done."

Cesar stepped back, watching Oscar get in his car and slam the door. He drove off, his tires screeching down the block.

"Bye Cesar."

Cesar turned around, smiling sadly at Sabina. "I can't let you go back, we'll figure it out."

"I have no choice." She wrapped her arms around him tightly, "take care of him for me okay? I'll be alright."

He kissed her forehead, "you have my number?" She nodded, "use it then." He nudged her.

Sabina began to walk down the sidewalk, her hands in the pocket of her hoodie. She got into deep thought as she passed the streets she slept on a few weeks ago. Oscar was being dramatic, and by the time he realized that she would either be dead or back into Los Diablos.

She was completely grateful he let her into his house and even that she made friends in the middle of all of it. It was going to come to an end soon enough and she knew that because Oscar was catching feelings for her and she couldn't let herself do the same.

She noticed the stop sign that read In big letters "entering hell" and she sighed, she was home. So close to either her death or a life of wishing she was dead.

The dogs began to bark at her, letting Pit Bull know she was close by, they recognized her scent. That's when he walked around the corner of his house to see what the hell they were barking at, the cigarette in his mouth falling to the floor as his jaw dropped.

Sabina stood in front of him, her head held high. "Dario." She said.

He took a step toward her, dropping to his knees as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She cleared her throat, swallowing.

"Baby girl." He took in a deep breath, his eyes filling with tears. "You're alive, I thought they killed you. I thought those pussy ass Santos killed you."

She shook her head, "no, I'm alive."

He began to stand, picking up his jeans then cupped her face, placing a kiss to her lips. "I'm so happy you are." His hand made its way to the side of her neck, feeling her skin, "I missed you." Sabina forced a smile, and he spoke again. "Come inside." He took her hand, leading her toward the front door.

"Lucifer." Dario said, a huge smile on his face. "Look who came to see us."

Jonah looked up from his deck of cards, first he noticed that the people playing poker with him had their jaws dropped, then his dropped. "Hija." He said, standing slowly, laying his winning deck onto the red velvet table.

"Pa." She kept the same energy, bluntly replying.

"Mija, Sabina." He walked around the table, his arms open. "Mijita." He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. "I'm so happy you're safe."

"So I've heard." She parted, "how's everything going over here?"

"Well without you we don't have anybody running the stash house, or controlling the money coming in and out of it." Dario sat on the stairs, setting his hand on his thigh as he spoke.

Jonah nodded, "yeah, so we're gonna need you to get on that as soon as you can."

Dario stood, walking toward her to remove the black hoodie that belong to the Santo himself, Oscar. "But first lets get you cleaned up, out of these clothes." She followed him up the stairs, looking around at what was once their house. Now it was just his and Jonah's, and whoever else decided they wanted to stay there. "You know where everything's at." Dario said, "nothings been touched."

La Diabla | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now