Fuck 😞

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(Play song as you read)😁


After getting of the phone with Kentrell things just went down hill. My moms boyfriend Dave heard me on the phone.

I was getting ready to get in the shower because I had a work in the morning. When this man just busted in my room. He looked at me for a moment before he slaped the shit outta me.

Now when me and him fight i dont back down so I hit him in his face. Next thing you know me and him are going head to head. I can see that i busted his lip and his eye was red but that didnt stop him.

He punched me in the boob and females yall know that shit hurts. I fell to the grow and he kept hitting me. I didnt have the power to fight back so I curld into a ball.

All I remember was him ripping of my clothes and then I blacked out. Wakin up in the middle of the night I felt nothing but pain. I touched my leg and felt nothing but blood.  Starting to cry as i got up i went to the bath room and looked at myself on the mirror. Never thought it he would go this far.

I walked out my bathroom and locked my door and grabbed clothes so I could take a shower. I spent 2 hours in the shower and still I felt dirty I hate it.

Its time for me to get outta this hell. I get on of my back packs and fill it with clothes and my other little stuff.
I go under my bed and look in the whole I cut to get my money that Ive been stacking since I moved here.

Setting all the money down a began to count. $6,000 thats enough to get me a plan ticket back to Baton Rouge. When im there then I can look for a place to stay and go talk to Ari and Sky. My phone is gone that bitch ass nigga broke it. So i gotta do this with out a phone. I got all my stuff I need like my SSC and mt ID.

I get all my stuff together and i put on my shose and a hoodie. I bag against the wall just to see if there here or not if they are one would yell for me to stop making all that noise. It was quite tho so I was in the clear.

Walking out my room I locked it behind me so it would seem like im still in there. Flying down the stairs i run dto the front and open the door a jetted to the bus. The bus was about to leave but the drive seen me a waited I got on the bus and thanked him.

Getting to the airport I got my plan ticket and got on the plan. I hope my favorite people are happy to seen me and its time I tell everyone whats been going on including my brothers.

The whole ride I slept and dreamed about Kentrell and if he texted my phone to check on me.

My life is so fucked!

Poor pooh 😭💔


Wrong Number♠~ Nba YoungBoy Where stories live. Discover now