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2 months later...

"Im not pregnant Ari Damn" i said to Ari for the 5,000th time this month. "Girl all you do is eat and throw up YOUR PREGNANT!" Ari said to me.
"Im just finna make a doctor's appointment" i said to Ari, Making her smile.

Her and Sky have been saying im pregnant. Witch I kinda think I am to but im just gone deny it till I get results.

Calling the Clinic I get a appointment for tomorrow which is Wednesday. Air already said she was going with me I just have to ask Sky.


Sisssyyy💚- You gone go with me tm

Sky Bug❤- forr???

Sisssyyy💚- Dr appt to see if im prego or not

Sky Bug❤- I mean u are so we going to see how far you are.

Sisssyyy💚- whatever its at 9 tm ill text you da addy later

Sky Bug ❤- okay



Me and Ari just kicked it for the day.  We just ate , talked and watch Netflix.
I was happy to spend time with her.

Next Day

Its the next day and me Ari and Sky are sitting in the waiting room. "Kennedy Banks" the nurse says. We get up and follow her to the back to the room im in.

The doctor did the test that needed to be done.  "How long will it take" Ari asked. "About 30 minutes" the doctor said.

For that 30 minutes the three of us just talked and shit. The doctor walks back in the room with a smile. "Congratulations Mommy your pregnant" the doctor said. Making me, Sky and Ari smile from ear to ear.

The Doctor put the  gel on my stomach to do the ultrasound. The doctor asks "Do you guys wanna hear the babys heart beat"?. We all say yes, We heard one at first then two. Omg!!

Walking out the doctor's office all we did was talking about the twins. Yesss Im having twins. "So when you gone tell him" Ari asked. Umm Kd supposed to be coming over I'm just going to text him and tell him to bring the whole gang. "I hope he aked right cause I will cut him" Sky said.  "I hope he does to," I said to myself.

-- Nya🐼

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