The Winchester Speech

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A groan escaped my lips as I undid my seatbelt — my right shoulder protesting at the movement. I looked up and noticed an old lady standing in the middle of the street...the truck must have swerved to avoid her and hit us instead. I couldn't figure out why she was looking unnaturally calm until her head snapped my way and her eyes flashed a shiny black color.


I practically hissed as she sneered at me. With a smile that sent a shiver up my spine, she swiftly turned around and merged in with the gathering crowd, disappearing completely. This all took place in a matter of five seconds, before anyone could realize what had happened.

Demons were a new brand of evil that Sam and I had recently encountered, but once our dad informed us that it was a demon that killed our mom and Sam's girlfriend, Jess, we'd been trying to get our hands on any and every meat suit wearer so that we could to get some information from it. I would have gone after the possessed granny if it weren't for my passenger.

With another grunt I twisted in my seat to inspect Rayne. My peripheral vision had caught the movement of the truck right before it hit us, and I had turned just in time to watch Rayne's head collide with the door. It didn't sound pretty. I called her name but she was knocked out before I could blink.

I reached over and gingerly turned her head towards me. There was a large gash on her temple, which had blood flowing from it at an alarming rate.

"Aw, crap," I muttered, trying to remind myself that head wounds always bled a lot and that it didn't necessarily mean anything.

Some guy appeared at my window suddenly, shouting at me. "I called 911! The ambulance is on its way, sir."

I grunted in response and shot him a glare that effectively made him back away as I looked back at Rayne and quickly scanned her for any other injuries. Apart from the gash and the many cuts on her skin from the broken glass, she appeared unharmed. Having extensive first-hand knowledge of blunt force head trauma, I tried to keep my worry at her lack of response to my touch at bay.

A few moments later, I heard the blaring sirens of the ambulances, and before I knew it I was watching Rayne being strapped onto a gurney. Some idiot kept trying to clean up a few of the cuts that I had gotten but I shoved him away when I saw Rayne being put into the back of an ambulance. I thrust my way through the swarm of police and firefighters and started climbing in behind her.

"Whoa, sir. You can't come with us," one of the paramedics shouted, placing a hand on my chest in protest.

"Like hell I can't." I knocked it a way with a snarl. It was because of me that Rayne was in that ambulance in the first place, and my adrenaline was itching to see who was stupid enough to try and stop me from going with her.

"Sir...sir, are you family?" someone else asked from behind me. 

"I'm her fiancé," I said quickly without turning back. 

That seemed to do the trick since no one got in my way when I sat down by Rayne's head in the ambulance. I knew her file would quickly prove that we weren't related, but I was hoping a fiancé would be considered family enough that they would let me stay with her. I watched as the paramedic stuck an IV in her arm and adjusted her neck brace. 

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later and I stumbled out of the ambulance, hurrying alongside Rayne as the paramedics rushed her through the automatic sliding glass doors. The nurses wouldn't let me go far, stopping me just before the entrance into the surgery wing. As I stood there and watched the girl I had met no more than two hours ago being wheeled down the hall, I ran a weary hand over my face before heading back outside to give Sam a call. Our day certainly took an unexpected turn.

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