Touched By An Angel

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"We're almost at the hospital," Sam told me. The car whined in response as he accelerated it.

"I don't think she's going to make it," I shouted, looking down at Rayne who went alarmingly still in my arms. I tried to wipe away the blood that was on her face with my sleeve but that just smudged it even more. The bright color stood in stark contrast to her pale skin. Placing my fingers underneath the side of her jaw, I searched for a pulse. Her heart beat at an irregular rhythm against my hand a few times before fading all together. "Sammy!" I cried. "Her heart stopped!"

As soon as the words flew out of my mouth, I felt an almost painful vibration run through my body and the next thing I knew, I was no longer in the back of the Impala. I winced as the brightness pierced my eyes and my bones throbbed from whatever it was that just happened to me.

Once my vision adjusted, the first thing that I noticed was white. Quite literally everything around me was a blinding white color: the walls, the floors, the ceilings. There was nothing around me to help me distinguish one direction from the other. It was like standing in a blank void. The second thing that I noticed was Rayne, who was still in my arms — lifeless. I turned in a circle slowly, holding her close.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Not quite," responded a deep, guttural voice. 

I spun around to face a blue-eyed man who had not been there a second earlier. He was wearing a long, taupe trench coat and a simple, unassuming expression. "W-what?" I asked dumbly, not being able to fully grasp what was happening.

His gaze was steady. "It is not quite hell," he explained, referring to my earlier question.

"Who are you?" I demanded, my hold on Rayne tightening.


"What are you?" I rephrased.

"I'm an Angel of the Lord," he responded casually; as if he just told me he was a cable guy, there to fix my satellite dish.

"Ha," I laughed humorlessly. "There's no such thing." Rayne was dying...or already dead; I didn't have time to be shipped off to some alternate universe to talk to a douche in a trench coat and tie that was claiming to be Heaven's servant boy.

"You've seen stranger things, Dean. Have you no faith?" 

The room suddenly darkened as lightening flashed all around us. Great shadowy wings appeared on Castiel's back, stretching off into the distance. Then the lights flicked back on and the wings disappeared. I stared at him, my mouth slightly agape. 

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked once I found my voice. "What do you want? Am I dead? Are we dead?"

"I brought you here because you've failed your mission."

"My mission? What the hell are you talking about?"

His head cocked, as if he didn't entirely understand me. "Again, not quite," he repeated. He looked down at the girl in my arms. "She was your mission."

"What do you mean?" I didn't care if he was an angel or not, if the guy didn't start talking in fully formed sentences soon, I was going to punch him in his angelic face.

"The day Rayne's car broke down was no accident," Castiel said. "You two were destined to meet."

"Why?" I asked once I realized that he wasn't going to say anything else.

"Your souls were joined long before either of you were born. God united the both of you."

"What like e-Harmony?" I scoffed. "God decided that we were compatible or something?"

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