The Tea Garden

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It seemed as though I slept through the entire day and night because I woke up right on cue. I looked up to find Sam sitting behind the desk with his laptop.

"6:15. Again," he said as he glanced over at me, sounding amused.

"I work like clockwork," I replied.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

I considered that for a moment. The headache was completely gone and so was the nausea. It was like I had never gotten sick. "Actually, good."

"Good to hear."

Sitting up, I stretched my arms over my head, and looked down at Dean who was still asleep next to me. His attitude from the previous day — including the unnecessary blow up — came to memory, and although I was no longer angry at him for that, I still thought he needed to know that I was angry at one point. Shaking him roughly, I started bouncing up and down on the bed. He abruptly shot up, looking confused and half asleep.

"What?" he demanded, eyes darting the room for any possible threat, no doubt. "What is it?"

"I'm going to the bathroom," I told him sweetly.

He glared at me as he rubbed his eyes. "You woke me up to tell me that you had to go to the bathroom?" 

Sam started to laugh, having realized by then what I was doing.

"Oh, well, I didn't want you to get mad at me in case you woke up while I was gone," I explained innocently.

"Rayne," Dean said calmly, "get out of my face or I will tackle you to the ground."

I giggled and skipped to the bathroom, listening to Dean grouse about the savagery of waking up a sleeping man. When I got out, Sam was gone and Dean was sitting on our bed, cleaning his guns.

"Compensating for something, are we?" I gestured to the rifle in his hands.

I could practically hear him grind his teeth. "Trying to pretend that you don't have the hots for me by distracting me with petty remarks isn't going to cut it, sweetheart."

"Oh, darn." I pouted at him sarcastically. "And here I thought I was hiding it so well."

He smirked at me. "Your attraction for me can be felt from a mile away."

"Don't flatter yourself, darling," I drawled, rummaging through my duffel bag for some clothes. "That's pure hatred you're feeling."

He laughed as he watched me. "What? Looking for a new pair of panties because the ones you have on now are already in a twist?"

"Who said I was wearing any panties?" I asked seductively with a raised eyebrow. Or at least I hoped it sounded seductive. I got the satisfaction of watching him look flustered.

Whatever his next remark was going to be, however, was interrupted by Sam, who walked in with coffee and baked goods.

"Gimmie, gimmie," I chanted, reaching for the cup of hot, delicious liquid.

Sam paused mid-step, eyeing us suspiciously. "I'm sensing tension."

"No, no, Sam," I said, taking a bite of the croissant. "Apparently that's just my attraction for Dean."

Dean gave me a death glare.

"Oh, what?" I went on, looking at the younger Winchester with wide eyes. "Can't you tell? Apparently it can be felt from a mile away."

Sam just laughed at us dismissively. "So anyways, I was talking with the lady that sold me the coffee and she was telling me about some of the weird things that have been going on in town the last couple of day. I'm thinking it might be a case."

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