Vacation at Bobby's

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For once I woke up before Rayne. Sam and Bobby were leaving early and I wanted to see them out. Considering the latest developments in our connection, I knew I would only have ten minutes, but I was going to let Rayne sleep for as long as I could. I was hoping that she would exceed her 6:15-in-the-morning limit.

I found Bobby in the living room, rummaging through his drawers for something. He looked up when he saw me walk in. "Mornin'."

"Hey, Bobby. You guys ready?"

"Ready as we'll ever be," he replied. "You two kids will be all right here by yourselves?"

"We'll be fine."

Bobby chuckled, shaking his head. "Can't say I thought I'd ever live to see the day when Dean Winchester willingly stayed home from a case."

"You know I can't go, Bobby. Rayne's hurt."

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that's all it is," he said, smirking at me.


He held up a hand to stop me. "Don't get me wrong, boy. I'm glad you've found someone. But you and I both know the dangers of a hunter's life. Have you thought this through?"

"If you haven't noticed, I couldn't stay away from her even if I wanted to."

"I know," he sighed. " careful, will ya?"

"Always am, Bobby."

He nodded. "Well, good then."

"Where's Sam?" I asked, not wanting to have that particular conversation go on any longer. I knew that Bobby just said all those things 'cuz he cared for me; he'd been in the game long enough to know that long-term relationships between hunters rarely work out. However, I was stubborn enough to think that Rayne and I were maybe different. And even if not, I had an unpleasant suspicion that I was already far too gone anyways.  

"He should be out in the front yard," Bobby told me, jerking a thumb towards the front of house.

Sam was digging through the trunk of the Impala when I came out. Checking my watch to make sure I still had time left, I went to help him transfer some of the weapons into Bobby's truck, which they would be taking.

"Is Rayne still sleeping?" Sam asked me as I handed him a case of salt-filled bullets.

"Yeah, so I don't have long."

"How are you going to do this? Only having ten minutes, I mean."

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

"Did Castiel say that he was going to shorten the time?"

"No. I guess he got angry that Rayne got so hurt while we were separated and decided we wouldn't be able to stray that far from each other again. Or maybe the connection just gets stronger and stronger with time. At the very beginning we had more than an hour; maybe soon we won't be able to stay apart at all."

"That's definitely going to complicate some things."

"We'll figure it out," I told him. "We always do."

"I guess," he granted somewhat reluctantly.

After putting the last of the stuff in the bed of Bobby's tuck, I stepped back in the direction of the house. "I guess I'll see you in a few," I told my brother. "Be careful, ya hear?"

Sam gave me a nod of affirmation. "Yup."

Bobby came out then and I waited with crossed arms as they got into the truck and drove away. The instinctive hunter part of me was on edge at seeing them leave without me, but I was also sort of glad for the break. I knew that Bobby and Sam could handle themselves, and it wasn't often that I got to spend a few days off in an actual house, eating actual food and not the usual garbage that we would find at trucker's pit stops. It was also becoming harder to ignore the fact that there were some things I needed to talk with Rayne about. With a sigh, I turned and went back into the house.

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