What A Wonderful World

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I couldn't remember the last time I woke up feeling so rested. Birds were chirping outside, and for once they didn't annoy me. The hotel mattress felt more comfortable than when I went to sleep in it. But the best part, of course, was Rayne, who was tucked in next to me, right where she belonged. I smiled and opened my eyes.

And right away my smile froze with the growing sense of confusion.

I was in a spacious, light blue room. The large window to my right was adorned with see-through white curtains that were gently blowing in the morning summer breeze. The furniture was made of a matching, chic dark wood. I ran my hand over the white fluffy duvet covering me, and my mouth slowly pulled down into a wary frown.

Rayne was nestled in the blankets with a content look on her sleeping face; her red hair fanned across the pillow in soft waves, and it tickled my bare arm that was under her back. Lying in the unfamiliar room, I tried to recall the previous night. We arrived at the small town for a case and checked in to the fist cheap hotel we could find. I went out to get food, and that's when Sam called to tell me that he and Rayne thought we were hunting a...


The pieces started to come back to me. Sam mentioned that Djinns liked to layer up in big ruins where there were many places to hide for them. I remembered passing by an abandoned factory on my back and decided to go check it out for myself. The Djinn got the drop on me and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in this bizarre room that looked like it belonged in an Ikea catalog.

So far so good; now all I had to do was figure out where the hell I was.

"Ray?" I gently shook her awake. "Hey, Rayne?"

She sighed softly and smiled as she stretched her arms above her head. Blinking up at me, she murmured a 'hello'. I waited for her to notice our surroundings, but she gave no indication that anything was wrong. She then frowned at my undoubtedly bewildered state and propped herself up on her elbow. "What's wrong?"

"Um, where are we?"

Rayne rolled her eyes, smiling again. "Babe, you've been saying that every morning for the past week. It was cute at first, but it's time for you to cut it out. You still think our room looked better before we redecorated it, I get it."

My eyebrows knit together. "Wait, what?"

She pressed a kiss to my lips before getting out of bed. "You'll get used to it."

Rayne slipped on a light pink silk robe over her vintage Led Zeppelin t-shirt and booty shorts and made her way over to the master bathroom. I watched unresponsively as she brushed her teeth over the sink, my mind reeling.

After rinsing her mouth she looked my way and, after noticing my obvious staring, shot me a flirty wink. "Babe, the last time you looked at me like that we ended up having a very late start to our morning," she said. "And as much as I wouldn't mind a repeat, we can't afford to get distracted today."

I was busy trying to decide what to focus on — the fact that I seemed to have gotten stuck in some parallel universe, or the fact that my smoking hot girlfriend was currently nonchalantly undressing right in front of me in the open door of the bathroom.

Rayne saw that I was still gaping at her and slightly blushed. "Dean, you're staring at me like you did on our honeymoon. I told you we can't; at least not right now." She disappeared from my view and I heard the shower start. Her head poked out from behind the door and she grinned at me. "Maybe tonight. If you behave."

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