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A lump formed in my throat and my heart thudded. I breathed quickly and heavily, causing tonnes and tonnes of pressure on my chest. I looked down at my feet, not caring about calming myself down as the panic feeling rushed throughout my body, taking over me. I could hear the waves of the Portugese ocean crashing onto the shore behind me, it didn't calm me down though. It just made me feel unsteady and cold. The wind whistled and howled, muffling the sounds of my cries as I crouched down, feeling too exhausted already to stand. I clutched my chest, spluttering and coughing as my breathing continued in its roughness. Why did I have to mess up?


I stormed into the dressing room, angry thoughts bubbling up inside me.

"Dude, what happened?", frowned Michael as I threw myself onto the sofa with a huff.

"Pixie is an attention seeking whore is what happened", I spat sourly, crossing my arms, frowning.

"Woaahh, calm downn!", Luke laughed, taking this as some joke.

"Shut the fuck up Luke. She's a slut. You have no idea", I stood up facing him, my fists clenched.

"What are you on about?", he asked innocently, he wasn't smiling anymore, he just looked angry.

"She's been messing about with me and Ash while being all lovey-dovey with you, behind all of our backs!", I shouted, swinging back and kicking a chair forecefully.

"What?", Luke raised his eyebrows and his eyes turned dark.

"We would makout sometimes, just secretly. I guess it was just some fun. But then I saw you guys kissing and acting like a couple today, it all added up. She's been playing us this whole time. I dunno how I didn't see it coming..", I told him.

"She would kiss me too, or we would kiss. I have to admit I enjoyed it", Ashton spoke up.

"Yeah, well we all enjoyed it. But, I can't believe she played us all. I treated her so good", Luke's face was so dull and sad, I've never seen him look so hurt.

I embraced the boys in a hug, Luke wouldn't speak or look up, he just kept his head down.

"Guys, wait. Pixie spoke to me about this. She didn't want to play you guys, she didn't want to hurt anyone either. She was so distressed about it because she didn't know what to do. It just got out of hand and she was going to speak to you but I don't know what happened. Just believe me when I say this, my sister is not a slut. She just doesn't do relationships or feelings. She never has. She just does the stuff that comes with it. Just not the whole 'I love you' shit. She lost all her friends because she was playing about like she was with you guys, she was cutting and just in a really bad place for the rest of high school. These few days, I've never seen her so happy. Hanging out with you guys puts such a big smile on her face, even after she had almost been raped and was battered by some random boy, you guys still managed to keep her strong and smiling. Don't leave her now. She didn't mean to hurt any of you guys. She loves you all so much.", Pixie's eyes were filled with watery tears as she stared at us, her big green eyes sparkling.

"We need to go and find her", I snapped, breaking the silence that filled the room.

Guilt overcame my body as I fell to the ground in sobs and cries. My face sat in my hands as the boys crowed round me, rubbing my back and reasssuring me. Nothing could reassure me right now apart from seeing Pixie.

Heeyy, I'm really sorry my updates have been so slow and short. School is a bitch. But follow my Tumblr: 'happy-dimples' #shamelessselfpromo

I love you a lot for reading and I'll try and get the next few chapters better! xx

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