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I got to the end of the road, it opened up to a long beach that stretched open wide. No one else was scattered along the sand and no one was playing in the sea. Everything was calm and peaceful. The rain continued to patter down, making my hair wet and cold. I scurried to a little cave, a rock covering me for shelter. I cowered to the side, sitting myself up on the rocky walls that stuck out like little seats. My phone hadn't stopped going off with text messages, beeping and vibrating in my pocket. I switched it off and lay my head back, closing my eyes gently and listening to the waves lapping up to the shore, seeing all the birds swoop gracefully without making a sound. It was just me and the relaxing ocean, that's all I wanted right now.


"Where did she go?", I huffed at Lou, an angry empression on my face.

I had overheard what Lou had said to Pixie, no wonder she ran off in tears. How could someone say something like that to Pix? After everything she's just trying to get through. She probably feels so lonely, like no one can help her. Lou gave me an innocent look, shrugging her shoulders.

"This is your fault", I muttered under my breath as I walked out.

I needed to find Pixie. She had to be safe.


I ruffled my hair nervously and bit my lip. This was my fault, if I hadn't been so mean and just not been a jealous dick like Pixie said, none of this would of happen. Yet, if she didn't kiss Luke right in front of me I wouldn't of been hurt. I thought it was just me and her, no one else. But, she's been playing around with Luke too, behind my back. I bet Luke doesn't even know about me and her. She's just sneaking around. I still felt bad though, where could she of gone? She won't go back to the hotel because she doesn't have the keys to our room. I just really hope she's okay, I don't want her getting hurt however much she hurts me.


The beach was so still and calming. Its nice to get away sometimes, away from all the sneaking around, the mean comments from Lou and the anxiety of being so unsure about what the fuck I'm doing with those boys. I don't want to hurt anyone but I seem to have already done that. That's the last thing I wanted. To hurt anyone. I always manage to do that somehow though. I lost all of my friends in high school because I played around with boys. They all thought I was just a slut and not worth their time, they all left me. I wandered the cold high school corridors on my own for the last four years. Yet, I wasn't really alone, I had music. That sounds silly but its true. Music was the only thing there for me, I know its not a person but its all I could do throughout high school and being a teenager. Listening to music was my escape, my getaway. I always thought it was so stupid of people to say 'that band saved me'. I mean, how can a band save you? You save yourself. You and only you. No one else, yeah maybe a therapist gives you a little help, or your friends give you confidence to pull through whatever your going through, but not bands. Well, thats what I used to think. Until music from All Time Low, The 1975, Blink 182, Nirvana, Artic Monkeys, Coldplay, Bring Me The Horizon and loads of other bands was the only thing I could turn to. Especially when it was three in the morning and I needed an excuse not to kill myself. Its silly but its true.

I was snapped out of my train of thought when I noticed a tall figure in the distance. They were walking straight towards here. I squinted my eyes, assuming it was Calum or Michael or one of the boys. But it wasn't. It was a boy I had never seen before, his fists were clenched and his head was slightly bowed down. My stomach tied in knots as the flashbacks came into play, the boy was walking straight towards this cave. Straight towards me.

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