Chapter 8

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(Quite a few people have requested this so enjoy!)

I could hear the hard thuds of my footsteps against the marble school floor.

Then a certain locker appeared in my sight and my whole body stiffened, my body automatically wanted to go closer and take a whiff of her beautiful scent.

"WTF?-" I thought to myself as I walked past the damn corridor of lockers.

"-What am I thinking?! I HATE HER. She's a waste of space. It's good she left."

My thought track had finished by the time I walked into science ; my whole torso was slanted and my body posture shrunk and weakened.

My wolf was still in despair.

You shouldn't speak like that about our mate!

Chad, my wolf scolded.

That piece of shit isn't our mate! What part of I REJECTED HER don't you understand?!

I retorted whilst entering the class all the girls' attention fell on me.

And That's the way I liked it.

I walked to the end of the room and sat in my seat next to Bryant, one of my boys and also my beta.

"Yo what up Alpha!" He greeted.

His hazel hair was in a quiff and suffocated in a SnapBack cap.

I chuckled.

"Not much bro! Only the sky!" I replied.

He gave me a sullen look which only lasted for a minute until it broke out into a smile.

"Hey so do you wanna go to that new wolf club? Silver midnight? It's owned by the silver dawn pack's alpha. Alpha Emmett! Apparently it's going to be ace and loads of chicks are gonna be there!" He let out.

Alpha Emmett huh?

"Hmmmmmmm...Okay. Might as well! Get some of the boys and we'll go! Zaleya's going to go aswell though. I don't want her to you know.. assume anything." I explained and Bryant nodded.

It's been two months since... she left. She ran away like the coward she is...

And I'm happy! With my gorgeous bae Zaleya and nothing in my way!
At first she was quite heartbroken that her Best friend left her but now I think she's got used to the fact.
Just as I was thinking about Zee she strutted in the room and came and sat beside me.
Her ebony hair locked up in a pony tail and she was wearing a tank top with a mini skirt which emphasised her tanned legs.
She smiled at me and gave me a small peck on the lips.
"Hey! No fair! Just a peck?" I whined.
She nodded.
"Hmpf."I grunted.
"So what's gotten you so happy today?" I queried.
Her body turned to face me.
"You don't know? Try to guess." She let out excitedly.
What could it be?
"Our 1 year anniversary in two days!"
I exclaimed.
Her eyes glistened with excitement and she nodded.
"We need to celebrate... How about going to that new club? Silver midnight?" I offered whilst massaging her knuckles in my hands.
"Today? Aww. But there's a family dinner tonight anyways so we can't go!
Maybe another time! On the anniversary we'll do something though!" She replied.
"Damn. I forgot. And yeah we
definitely will." I spoke as the teacher came in.

It's our One year anniversary after two days and no one will come in our way...
I've forgot about her. I hate her.
I hate Emma Clarke.

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