New Kid in Town

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Kim's P.O.V

Ahhh! The first day back at school in Seaford! It feels good to be back! Although barely slept a wink last night, I was ready to tackle the first day of my last year of college. I walked through the front doors, and headed to the office. On my way there, I look around. Unlike Seaford High, Seaford University wasn't cliquey; everyone got along from the looks of it. When I was done observing, I reached the office. As I step in, I notice that there is another student in front of me. I couldn't see his face, but I knew it wasn't Jack. This person was that same height as him, give or take an inch or two, but had jet black hair. When he finally turned to leave, I was shocked beyond belief.


"Kim?!" James was my best friend while I was away. Even though we are the same age, he started at Otai at the beginning of college, and I started the year before.

"What are you doing here? I thought you still had a year at Otai?"

"Well I signed up for foreign exchange over the summer. I didn't know where they were sending me just that it was in the United States. I can't believe I am getting to spend this time with you!"

"That's so cool! I am happy that you are here!" I stepped past James to get my schedule.

"Here; why don't we compare schedules?" He gave me his and we looked at them together.

"What a coincidence! We have all of the same classes!" James and I have the same major.

"At least I will have someone I know. Oh! You must introduce me to those friends you talked so fondly of!"

"Sure. It would be great for you to know some familiar faces besides mine." I am glad he didn't specifically bring up HIM.

"I also want to meet that boyfriend of yours!" Looks like I spoke too soon...

"Um... I-I uh... I, I can't"

"What? Why not?"

"He'snotmyboyfriendatthemoment" I rush out.

"What do you mean he's not your boyfriend at the moment?"

"Something happened yesterday when I got to the mall. I really don't want to talk about it..." I trailed off, hoping James would take a hint. He did.

"Well, when you are, I'm here for you. You are like a sister to me! Anyway, we should probably get to our lockers before class starts." He looked at his watch. "YIKES! We talked for so long that we only have 10 minutes left!"

Oh, James! He reminds me of all of the Wasabi Warriors put together: He is childish, nerdy, a great dancer, amazing at karate, loyal and one of the best friends anyone could have asked for.

As we head to our lockers, we catch up. I know that I have only been back from Japan since yesterday, but last time I saw James was the beginning of summer. While he did summer classes, I was packing up my things and moving out of the dorms. I still can't believe he's here!

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