Chapter 13

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Jack’s P.O.V.

Class just ended, which means lunch! I see Kim walk into the cafeteria; time for Operation Admirer. After I finished my essay, I realized I still had 15 minutes left of class, so I wrote Kim a little poem. I walk up to her locker and slipped the note inside. I strut off to the café to eat lunch.

“Yo, Jack! Over here, man!” Jerry shouts.

“How is your plan coming along?” Milton questions.

“It’s not. I decided that it will only make Kim angrier, so I modified it.”

“Modified it how?” Milton seems way to into my relationship, but oh well…

“I am now Kimmy’s secret admirer. I already put something in her locker.”

“Jack, you’re turning into a romantic sap! Not cool, man; not cool!”

“I have always been romantic when it comes to Kim.” I say. I think back to when Kim and I when on our first official date.


“Perfect!” I told the sales lady, as she showed me the corsage.

“You know, I’ve never actually bought a corsage before. It’s for my girlfr-person.”

End of Flashback

I didn’t call Kim my girlfriend that day because I hadn’t asked her yet. I am brought back to college life when the bell rings, signaling to end of lunch. As I head towards my locker, I spot Kim opening hers. The note fell out. While she reads, I see a smile creep up on her lips. Oh, how I wish I could tell her that I wrote I, but I can’t. It would only make that beautiful smile disappear. I stay back from my locker until Kim leaves. I quickly get up, grab my books, and walk to Marine Biology, which is conveniently close to my locker.

Kim’s P.O.V

I just finished lunch, so I go to get my books for the rest of the day. When I open up my locker, a piece of paper falls out. I open it, and read:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

I didn’t know what love was,

Until I met you!

~Your Secret Admirer

That is the sweetest poem anyone has ever written about me! I don’t think I will be able to stop smiling. Even if you see Jack? Well, maybe one thing. Oh please. You wish he wrote it. No I don’t, and Jack couldn’t have written this. Why not? He has the emotions of a pencil. But even pencils break. True, but they also make mistakes. When they try to erase them, it still leaves a mark. Jack made one mistake; yes it was big, but he is trying to make up for it. I ignore my conscience after that, and walk off to class.

Time Skip (to the end of the day)

Ahh! Finally the end! I have one complaint: Jack is in ALL of my classes, so far. We only have 4 classes each day, but let’s hope I won’t see Jack in my other classes. I am about to leave school, when someone taps me on my shoulder. I turn around, and it’s Brewer. I scowl at him, but he looks a little nervous, rather than scared. I am about to walk past him, but he starts talking.

“Listen Kim. I know that you aren’t happy with me, or the fact that we had all of our classes to day, together. I wanted to ask you-“

“Wanted to ask me what?” I reply, curtly.

“You know the Masquerade Dance that is at the end of the month? Would you like to go with-” I cut him off.

“No! I do not want to go with you!”

“I was going to say my friend, the one who put a note in your locker, but you don’t seem to want to associate anything with me or someone who knows me, so I’ll be on my way.” With that he turns to leave. I admit that was rude of me, no matter how mad I am at him. Plus, I want to meet my secret admirer.

“Wait!” Jack stopped, and turned back. “Tell your friend that I will go with him.”

“Great I’ll let him know!” He turned around, and left, and I did the same.

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