Chapter 19

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Kim's P.O.V

We eventually ran out of batter, but it didn't stop there. In the spur of the moment, I didn't know what was happening. I am being picked up and spun around with two muscular arms wrapped around my waist. Out of instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck.

"JACK! Put me down!" Once I had my feet planted on the ground, I pull away. All of a sudden, I realize the mess we made and I burst out into a fit of laughter. I guess Jack caught onto what I was giggling about because he starts laughing too. We are both laughing so hard that after 5 minutes we still haven't stopped.

"You have a little something on your face!" Jack said, wiping the batter off of my forehead as if it would make a difference.

"You do to." Right as I was going to "wipe" his face, I threw flour at him, and ran away.

"KIM! Get back here!" I run until I am upstairs in what I am guessing what is the master bedroom. His room. I hear the footprints grow louder and louder. I rush into the walk-in closet, but as I do, I bang my cast against the frame, and fall to the floor in pain.

"I GOT you... Oh my gosh, Kim, what happened?"

The only words that I could manage were, "Cast... closet... ran into."

"It's going to be okay Kim; I will be right back with your pain meds." He was back in 5 minutes with my medicine and a glass of water. After swallowing it, I felt immediate relief. I don't know what's wrong with me. I am not usually this clumsy.

"Are you okay, Kim? Do you need anything?" Jack said with a sincere tone in his soothing voice.

"I'm fine now; thank you. I could use a hug." He wrapped his arms around me as I leaned back into his chest. He had moved me to his bed before he went to get my prescription. I look over to my right, towards his night stand, and I see various, old pictures of me, Jack, and the gang before I left for Otai. I do miss the good times that we had.

"Wow... do you remember this?" Jack looks up at the picture I am holding. It is of the two of us, hugging, the day that I left for Japan.

"That was the saddest day of my life." I look up to see Jack's face saddened by the memory. His expression makes my heart break.


"It was confirmation that I was going to lose you."

"You could never lose me. Yes, when I first came back, it wasn't with the ideal circumstances that I was welcomed home, but we got past that. Now, we are back to where we were. Well, almost." As I look back at his night stand, I see another picture, but this time it was the entire gang.

"We were all so young. I really miss Eddie." I glance back at Jack.

"Yeah, me too. I wonder what he is doing now-a-days." As if on cue, Jack's phone started to right.

"Speaking of the devil..." He picked up. "Hey, Eddie. What's up, dude?" There was mumbling on the other side.

"It's been way too long. You will never guess who is with me. It's Kim... Okay, here she is."

Phone Conversation (Kim: Normal, Eddie: Underlined)

"Hey, Eddie. What's up?"

"Hey, Kimmers. Nothing much, just chilling in my apartment. I heard that you got back last week."

"Yeah. So, I am assuming that Jack told you I left?"

"Yes, he did. You know, he never stops talking about you He goes on and on..."

I guess Jack heard because he screams, "Okay, Eddie, It was great talking to you. I will call you later!" With that, he hung up.

"Well, that was weird."

"Yeah. Eddie has developed a wild imagination." He laughs, nervously while scratching the back of his neck. Not a moment later, my phone chimes.

"I just got a message from Rudy. He wants us to go to the Academy; he says it's urgent."

"Well then, we better get going. You know how impatient Rudy can get if we don't hurry."

We hopped in Jack's car again, and drove to the dojo. When we walk in, I am shocked at who is standing in the middle of the mat.

"OMG! It can't be!"

"Is that..."

SO SORRY for the unannounced hiatus! It won't happen again! Anyway, first person who can guess the person at the dojo will have one of their ideas incorporated into my next chapter! I will allow guesses until Friday, and will DM the winner on Saturday!

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