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Hansol's POV

"Did you hear what that American kid said about Joshua?"

"Yeah, I tried looking for it in the locker room, but he changed in the bathroom."

"Is it even safe to be near him?" I was going to try and follow the group of guys that were talking about my twin to try and see if they were going to say anything else, but Joshua grabbed my arm and held me back. For a kid who claims to not know much Korean, he sure knows how to spread a rumor.

Shua, I'm not Minghao. Just let me listen and try not to punch them.

Please, just let them go Hansol. Please.


I tried to wiggle my arm out of Shua's grasp, but he wouldn't let me go.

I'm serious, Hansol. Appa already has enough on his plate.

Then I can pull a Wonwoo and have the school call our Uncles.

Hansol. Please.

Joshua pleaded with me with a small pout and his eyes wide, and I sighed. But I eventually gave in when we reached our next class. I’m just glad we have the majority of our classes together this year, but I’m a bit upset that I only have two with Sofia. One of which is lunch.

What if it somehow spreads around the school? I didn’t really want to tell our brothers.

Even worse, what if Minghao hears?

Oh my gosh. Hansol we cannot let Minghao hear.

Are you sure you don’t want me to stop this, Shua?

No, it’s too late now.

Just as we started taking out our materials for the class and getting ready, the bell rang and the teacher stepped up to the front of the classroom to try and teach us. Joshua was able to completely block out everything as he took notes on the lesson, but I couldn’t help but notice everyone’s stares at him. Apparently we don’t have to worry about the “what if” because it’s already happened.

“Joshua hyung, I don’t understand all of the whisperings about you.” Jun mentioned while we were eating our lunch, and Minghao nodded in agreement.

“What whisperings? I haven’t heard anything.” Jeonghan hyung asked, and Joshua tried to stall the conversation by eating. I normally spend my lunch period with Sofia at the other end of the table, but she’s been sick recently. I know BooSeokSoon and Jihoon have their lunch period before ours, so it’s just the Chinas, Jeonghan hyung, Joshua and I.

“I only heard it in the locker room, and Jun heard it in the hallways.” Minghao stated, and Joshua gave me a small, panicked glance. When I don’t think about it too hard, I forget Minghao has the same P.E. class as Joshua while I have mine with Jun.

“Is everything okay, Joshuji?” Jeonghan hyung asked softly, and Joshua kept his glance on his food in front of him.

“Can we not talk about it here?” Joshua countered softly, and I could see Jeonghan hyung let off of him.

“Yeah, of course.” He said, and we all went back to eating except for Minghao.

“This is a conversation that’s going to be had without me, isn’t it.” The fifteen year old stated, it wasn’t even a question, and Jun put a hand on his shoulder.

“For the sake of whoever started the rumor, we’re having this conversation without you.” Jun said teasingly, and Minghao playfully pushed his hand off of his shoulder.

“Oh come on, I never actually beat up those kids that one time.” He countered, and I snickered.

"That one time." I teased, and Jeonghan hyung caught on to what I meant.

"Oh yeah. Wasn't there three times?" Hyung asked, and Joshua nodded with a teasing smile.

"Name them then." Minghao said quite defensively, and I took over.

"The kids who bullied Seungkwan and I. That one time you tried to sneak out of the house to find Minseo's bio dad in jail. And when someone on the playground pushed Chan." I listed off, keeping count on my fingers so he could clearly see.

"Okay the one time with Minseo's bio dad doesn't count because I never left our property."

"Never left our property?! I had to chase you half way down the street!" Jeonghan hyung practically yelled, visibly annoyed just by the memory.

"Okay so maybe there were three times. But that doesn't mean I can't handle supporting Joshua hyung!" Minghao replied, still trying to convince everyone that he could handle it. But we knew that would be like saying a bull could walk through a china shop without breaking anything.

"I appreciate it, Ming, I really do. But there really is nothing to discuss. Everything they say is true, well probably. I haven't heard what they are saying anyways. But they'll eventually stop and find something else more interesting." Joshua said sincerely before getting up and moving to sit next to Minghao to pull him into a hug.

"If you say so, hyung. But if they get too mean I will not hesitate to bring out my nunchucks." Ming said while hugging him back.

"You say that as if you think we don't know that you have them on you 24/7." Jeonghan hyung said with a laugh, and Minghao pulled away from the hug with a sheepish smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about, hyung."

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