349 19 6

Seungcheol's POV

"Would you like a bag for your purchases?"

"Yes, thank you." The cashier put my few groceries into a plastic bag and handed it over to me. With the grandkids over I wanted to do something different. Since we didn't have any cake mixes or frosting in the house, I had to get that so we could make cupcakes when the kids wake up. And then I remembered one of the boys had ate all of the sprinkles, so they were also added to the bag.

I walked out of the store and started walking back to the house. I only really had to go down the street, so telling Josh that hour time frame was an over statement. I really only needed less than ten.

"Listen man, I don't have enough money. I'll just pay you back later."

"No money, no deal. You already owe me money."

"Just give me five minutes and I'll get the rest." I was trying to just walk past the guys hanging out in the alley, but then I was pulled in.

"Hand over your money." A knife was put against my throat as I was placed into a choke hold. My plastic bag clattered to the ground, and one of the masked men started going through the three things in it.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble. My grandkids are at the house and I have thirteen kids at home. Just please let me go." The group of guys snickered and one of them kicked me in the side.

They circled around me and I curled into a ball to protect myself, but it did nothing against you five of them. Eventually I felt them start searching me for my wallet, and I tried to resist. I know I have pictures of the kids in there, and I didn't want the gang to do anything to them.

"See? Told you I'd have the money."

I stayed in my curled up position on the floor, trying to stay conscious. Or at least just enough to stumble home. I don't want the boys having to come out and find me in an alley.

"Here you go." I saw a bag of white powder be thrown towards the other man as my entire wallet was handed over to a man on the side. I am just hoping with all of my might they don't pay any attention to the pictures.

"Pleasure doing business with you." The man with my wallet took out what looked like whatever cash I had in there along with my credit card, but I couldn't tell for sure because my vision was blurred beyond control. He dropped the wallet down onto the pavement and walked away with one of the masked men.

"Now what do we have here?" The two men left smirked at each other and I tried to curl up even further. But I knew nothing I could do would stop this or make it better.

They smacked their fists against their open palms and walked closer towards me slowly with a menacing grin. My head was pounding already and I just wished to pass out. Anything to avoid this pain.

"Let's have some fun."

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