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Hoshi's POV

"Hosh, what are you doing this weekend?" I tried to think in the midst of catching my breath. Yugyeom was on the same dance team as I was, and we were finally getting today's break.

"I don't think I'm doing anything. Why?" I grabbed my water bottle and towel that were sitting on top of my bag, and I tried to cool myself down.

"Dad's making Youngjae and I spend the weekend at Mark hyung's since Dad and Jinyoung hyung are going together to Jinyoung hyung's interview across the country. Bambam hyung is going to spend the weekend with Jackson hyung. But I was wondering if you and the other two would like to spend the weekend with us at Mark hyung's?"

Yugyeom is inviting us to spend the weekend at Minseo Noona's.

Will Youngjae be there?

Yeah, but just the five of us if we except.

Isn't it the Americano hyung's birthday?

Oh yeah, good catch Seok.

"It's our hyungs' birthday this weekend, so we can't. Sorry." Yugyeom frowned slightly.

"Aw, maybe another time?"

"Yeah, maybe another time." We aren't as close as we used to be with Yugyeom and Youngjae, so I wasn't too upset that we couldn't spend the weekend with them. And I think Minseo Noona might stop by for their birthday anyways.

 The dance coach called us over, and I took another swig of my water before throwing the bottle and the towel back on top of my bag.

"Let's go over the dance break once more slowly before we do the whole thing again." The dance coach instructed, and we all got into our positions. It was a good thing we were going over the dance break again because my feet kept getting switched up halfway through.

"Okay, let's do this."


When are you coming home?

Practice just ended, Boo, so my usual time.

Meet us in the store then. Appa says we're in charge of making them a cake.

Really? He should know we are a disaster in the kitchen by now.

That's why Minghao hyung has to supervise us.

I sighed and took a deep breath of the cold air. I think it would honestly be safer having Samuel bake the cake, but I guess we're stuck with the job. I wonder who's in charge of decorating the kitchen because that's the most entertaining job to do.

I turned down the street in which the store we always go to was on, and I hoped they were there since no one specified the instructions to me. I also hoped I didn't smell awful from dance practice.

"Ey, Hoshi's here!" Minghao hyung greeted as soon as I opened the door to the store, and I gave him a tired smile.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Hansol hyung likes chocolate cake, so we're going to make one of those, but Seungkwan can't decide on how to decorate it and what color frosting." Dokyeom muttered, and I adjusted my backpack so it was more comfortable. This was definitely going to take longer than I wanted it to.

"Don't frost the whole thing green, Shua hyung doesn't like green." I added, and I tilted my body away from Minghao hyung as he reached his hand towards my head slowly.

"Doesn't he like blue?" Minghao hyung pointed out, still trying to reach for my head as I moved away from him.

"I don't want to just frost it one color though. They already expect us to burn the house down, so why don't we put some effort into this?"

"Because we probably will burn the house down, Boo?" Dk whispered, and Seungkwan playfully hit him on the shoulder.

"They both like anime, why don't we put in some things from that? What are you doing, hyung?!" I stood still for a second and I felt Minghao hyung fix my hair.

"It was bothering me."

"I like the anime idea. We could frost the whole thing blue and then try and draw some of the characters from the shows they watch." Seungkwan said, looking over the different frosting types.

"Why don't we get white frosting and then use Mom's dye set to make the colors for everything?" Dokyeom suggested, and I think we all forgot about the little box of food coloring in the cupboards.

"Will you help us with drawing them, hyung?" I asked, and the three of us turned towards him pleadingly.

"Nope. I'm just here to supervise. Jun and I were in charge of Jihoon's cake." I sighed.

"Are we sure we want to make this difficult on ourselves?"

"We can't back down now, Hosh."

"Oh we most certainly can, Boo."

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