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Minghao's POV

When are you leaving?

Not sure, Jun.

Well, BooSoon already left, and Hansol hyung just grabbed Jihoon.

I'll try and find a stopping point soon.


I continued painting one of the props for the musical, and I took a little break to stretch. Apparently I've been working for a while. I had only missed one day of school, but I had been spending the majority of my time in the photo lab. I'm not really sure what Jun does during this time, but he never complains.

I could feel myself getting hungry, so I put the paint brushes into the bucket and started cleaning everything up. I headed to the back of the auditorium and turned off all of the lights after grabbing all of my things.

I'm ready.

Okay. I'm in the chorus room.

I debated on which way to turn to get there, and I ended up going right since it would take less time. I am never in the chorus room, so the spacious area was foreign to me. I stood in the doorway since I was too awkward to walk in, and I could see Jun was very focused on his conversation.

A few seconds later a song started playing and Jun started singing to it in Chinese. It looked like he was still trying to focus on whatever was in front of him, but he sounded really good. We never really have had a use for our Chinese, unlike the Americano hyungs with their English, so it was mind-blowing to hear Jun using it.

"That sounded really good." I complimented in Chinese once the song was finished, and Jun whipped his head around to see me from across the giant room. I could tell Jun was a bit embarrassed that I had heard him. The chorus teacher waved me into the room, and I gladly joined my twin to see what he was looking at. Turns out it was the lyrics written out in Chinese.

When did you learn how to read Chinese?

While you were working on the sets or in photography club late. I'm not the best at it though.

He pointed to the side notes that were written in Korean that told him how to pronounce things, and I thought it was genius.

"I'm going to guess you're his twin, Minghao?" I nodded politely at the chorus teacher, a bit confused how she knew me since I've never talked to her. Let alone how she knew we were twins, since we don't look like it.

"I've heard a lot about you from Jun and Dk. Do you want to give the Chinese a try?" I quickly denied as politely as possible, and Jun smiled.

"Ah come on. There's even a rap part." Jun knows I will try out the rap parts of a song before anything else, and I feel like that is an unfair advantage against me.

"Maybe later, Jun." He frowned and the chorus teacher just watched everything happen with a small smile on her face.

"I mean, we need someone to overtake the school's dance team at this year's talent show." She suggested, and my brain went on a mental stop.

"What talent show?"

"The school is trying to get kids to participate in the talent show, and it would be cool if you two sang in another language." Jun looked like he was trying to convince me to join, but I was hesitant. I've never really been on a stage, unlike my twin, and I wasn't really about to try it out. I enjoy the behind the scenes better.

"I'll make him think about it later. But we should get going home." Jun said before we exchanged goodbyes and left the school. The walk to the house was silent between us, but I could feel him silently begging me to join him.

Why is everyone over in the neighbors lawn?

Not sure, Jun. But it looks like someone's moving in.

We joined the small crowd and noticed that there were three unfamiliar boys. One of which looked up at us when we came over.

"Hello?" Jun greeted skeptically, and I felt like sighing and shaking my head at the same time.

"Hello! I'm Mingming." We bowed to him slightly, and the three of us unconsciously moved a bit away from everyone else.

"Hello. I'm Minghao, and this is my twin, Jun. How old are you?" The question was extremely necessary for honorific reasons.

"I'm fourteen."

"Ah okay, we're fifteen." Jun answered, and Mingming smiled.

"Nice to meet you, hyungs." He bowed a bit again and we did that the same.

"Nice to meet you too."

"So, do you two have a nickname? Sort of like how your brothers refer to Joshua hyung and Hansol hyung as the Americanos." I was a bit surprised that he knew that much already, but then again I have no idea how long they've been talking.

"They call us the Chinas since we know Chinese." Mingming's eyes lit up at my answer.

"That is so cool!" The language of our conversation had switched to Chinese, and it felt weird to speak to someone other than Jun.

So maybe now we can really learn how to read?

Yeah, maybe Jun.

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