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Minseo's POV

"Does anyone want to watch a movie or something?" I asked, but I could immediately tell that was a bad idea when the boys all motioned for me to stop.

"Why is it not a good idea?" I whispered to Jun, and he leaned closer to me.

"Last time we had movie night, Wonwoo accidently but on a horrible horror movie and Chan flipped. The fire drill the next day didn't help, which is why they got suspended. Remember?" He whispered, and I nodded in recollection of them telling me this. Since a movie was no longer an option, I got up to find my two youngest brothers.

"Hey, Noona, what's up?" Chan asked when I opened the door to their room, and I saw that they were looking through the box of polaroids I had left in my closet. I'm not sure why I left them here, but I did take my favorites with me.

"Not much, I was just wondering what you two were up to. I see you found the box." I smiled as I joined them on the bottom bunk and started looking at all of our old pictures.

"Yeah, I wanted to show Samuel that the hyungs have been like this since birth." Chan responded, and I laughed. They really haven't changed much action wise over the years, but I know the thought processes and emotions have been battered. Which is why I try to stop in more now just to check up on everyone. A sudden idea came to my mind since Appa wasn't home yet, and I know it would mess him up for a bit. In a playful way of course.

"Do you two want to play a game with everyone?" I asked mischievously, and I could see Chan thinking this through skeptically while Samuel got excited.

"What kind of game, Noona?" The eight year old asked, and I smiled.

"Let's go into the living room so I can explain it to everyone." I said, and Samuel immediately jumped off of the bed and dragged me with him. Channie was a bit more hesitant, but he followed us out. I made sure everyone was in the living room before posing my question.

"Does anyone want to play a game with me? Everyone has to participate or it won't work." I said, and my brothers looked at me.

"What is it?" Jeonghan asked, and I started wiggling a bit. My inner child definitely came out every time I came home to my brothers.

"I'm not sure if this is an actual thing or if it's just a product of my mind. But I don't think it is. Anyways, we basically switch around the honorifics and see if Appa notices when he comes home." I explained, and I could see a few of them getting either excited or skeptical.

"Switched as in gender or we call Samuel, hyung, and we only call you Minseo?" Seungkwan asked for clarification, and I didn't even have to answer.

"We would call him Samuel hyung. Right, Noona?" Jeonghan asked, and I nodded.

"I like this idea!" Samuel said while jumping around, and I was happy at least someone agreed with me.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Minghao added in, and they all slowly accepted the idea.

"Can we start now?" Dk asked, and a collection of nods went around the room.

"What's for dinner, Samuel hyung?" Mingyu oppa asked, but I could see him physically wince.

"Not sure, what do you want?" Samuel oppa responded, and it was obvious he was enjoying this.

"Could we have chicken nuggets, oppa?" I asked, and I refrained from wincing like Mingyu oppa did.

"Sure! I know how to make them!" Samuel oppa ran into the kitchen and returned a second later with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Can you help me, Wonton?" He asked sweetly, and it was obvious he only asked Wonwoo oppa for the use of his nickname that I was not informed of. Who ever made that is a genius. Have we even had wontons?

"Can I help, hyung?" Chan oppa asked, and Samuel oppa turned his attention to him while thinking.

"Sure, but since I don't have to call you hyung, you don't have to call me hyung." Samuel oppa decided, and Chan oppa celebrated for a second before running to go join him and Wonwoo oppa.

"This is surprisingly way more difficult than I thought it would be, and I haven't even used honorifics yet." Hansol oppa added in, and I nodded. The whole purpose of this is to just see if Appa notices though.


"I'm home!" Appa yelled once he entered the house, and he seemed surprised that we were all just chilling together in the living room. That's probably when he saw that all of his older children were playing a board game, but he could smell something cooking.

"Who's making dinner, Minseo?" He asked me, and I just motioned for him to look in the kitchen since I was really focused on trying to beat my brothers in this intense game.

"What's for dinner?" I heard him ask, and I could hear Jeonghan oppa snicker next to me at how nervous Appa sounded.

"Chicken nuggets and ramen!" I heard Samuel oppa announce, and Appa came back out to the rest of us.

"Can you pause for dinner please?" He asked, and the eleven of us got up off of the ground and sat in our usual spots at the table. Except I had to bring out the chair from my old desk to add to the table.

"What did you all do while I was gone?" Appa asked while we passed around what my brothers had made, and everyone collectively shrugged.

"Chan and I looked through Minseo's polaroids!" Samuel oppa said excitedly, and Appa nodded.

"I had to prove to him that everyone was always like this." Chan oppa explained, and Jeonghan oppa feigned offense.

"What do you mean, hyung? We're perfectly normal." Jeonghan oppa said defensively, and I could see Appa start to get suspicious.

"We're normal? You should not be included in that we, Jeonghan." Mingyu oppa said, and I laughed.

"What's so funny, SeoSeo?" Joshua oppa asked me as if I was a child, and I only smiled brighter.

"None of my oppas are normal." I said mockingly, and Appa got really confused. It was working.

"Aww, Baby SeoSeo, I like it!" Jun oppa said from across the table, and my other brothers started cooing at me.

"She's twenty-five, what are you boys doing? Does this have something to do with Samuel, Chan and Wonwoo making dinner?" Appa asked extremely confused, and I just shrugged as if I didn't know what was going on. Which applies to a lot of situations.

"No, we just wanted to give Jeonghan and the Americanos a break. Besides Wonton, we made him help." Samuel said innocently, until Appa caught on.

"You switched the honorifics." He said with a sigh that turned into a laugh, and I smiled.

"Well, that was fun while it lasted." I said, and Samuel gasped.

"You mean it's over? I was having so much fun!"

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