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Wonwoo's POV

Hey, Gyu, I heard there's going to be a mini play in the park today. Want to see if we can go?

In the snow?

Yeah, where else would it be in the park?

I was just making sure. But I'll pass, it's too cold.

"Oh so you always complain I never go outside, and now that I want to go you say it's too cold?" I always try and at least participate in what he wants to do, even if I hate it, but he won't even consider what I want to do?

"You want to go watch a play in the snow! It's too cold!"

"It's a mini play! It shouldn't take longer than twenty minutes!"

"As you love to tell us, that's long enough to get frostbite!"

"What are you two fighting about?" Jeonghan hyung piped up, and I looked across the room at his annoyed face.

"I want to go watch a mini play in the park, but Mingyu keeps telling me no."

"I never said you couldn't watch it. I'm just trying to tell you it's a bad idea." He huffed, and Jeonghan hyung ran his hand through his hair with a sigh.

"You two have obviously been cooped up together for too long. Wonwoo, you and I can go to the play with whoever else wants to go. And Mingyu, you don't have to come. Okay?" I could hear Mingyu sigh from his bottom bunk, and I jumped from the top to go see who else wanted to go with us.

"Won, when's the play?"

"In like an hour. I'm going to ask if anyone else wants to go." Jeonghan hyung nodded and I left the room, instantly feeling much better now that I found someone to go with. I knew Appa would never let me go alone since we can almost never go anywhere alone, but Jeonghan hyung coming with me was a definite yes.

"Does anyone want to go watch a mini play with Jeonghan hyung and I in the park?" Almost everyone who was sitting in the living room looked at me, but I think that's about as far as that was going to go.

"I'll go." Hansol hyung said from the kitchen, and my other brothers went back to whatever they were doing before hand. I walked down the hallway to try and find Appa, and he was right in his room like I expected him to be.

"Appa, can Jeonghan hyung, Hansol hyung and I go to the mini play in the park today?" He looked up from the basket of laundry he was folding and hesitated for a second.

"As long as you dress warm enough I have no problem with it. Just let me know when you're going to leave." I smiled and retreated back to my room to tell Jeonghan hyung we were granted permission, when he came out of our room.

"Are we good to go?"

"Yeah, and Hansol hyung is coming with us." He nodded and I went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. I think I may have forgotten to eat lunch since it was just a help yourself, but I can't remember if I did eat or not. I do know the book I was reading was very good, though.

"Won, can you and Gyu please stop fighting? It's getting really upsetting." I hesitated slightly at the fridge, but I still pretended like I was looking for something to eat.

"I can try, but it's a double sided thing, hyung."

"I know, I already talked to Gyu."

"I'm sure we can try..." I mumbled, and Jeonghan hyung messed up my hair on me.

"You two better try. Now go hug and make up and then we'll leave." I sighed at how childish that sounded, but the glare Jeonghan hyung gave me told me I absolutely had to.

It's going to take a lot more than a hug some of these days.

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