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Jun's POV

"So since I still have to go, I'm just going to say some kids still think I'm gay." Seungkwan said quickly, and I had to think back to the whole incident he had with Hansol hyung back a couple years ago.

"Even after I intimidated them? They should know by now not to mess with you." Ming butted in, and that was very true. He could get very scary sometimes when his nunchucks are swinging around.

"They don't do anything anymore, but I can hear a few whispers occasionally. Nothing that's a problem. Next?" He looked over at Jihoon, and he was being way too obvious that it bothered him much more than he was leading on. But apparently we're letting him go. We let a lot of things go that shouldn't.

"I want all thirteen of us to participate in the talent show in the same act. I'm already working on a song and I'm sure Hoshi hyung would help with the dance?" He looked over at Hoshi, and we all just sort of sat there.

"I don't remember agreeing to this." Hansol hyung said skeptically, and we all sort of agreed. It would be interesting, but do we really have to in front of the whole school? I'm barely even convincing myself to sing in Chinese.

"Ah come on, when are we ever going to have a chance like this? It won't be awful."

"If you show me the song I can start on some choreography." Hoshi suggested, so apparently not everyone is against the idea. I mean, we have to think about Dk right now. There's no way he would ever go up in front of a crowd like this, let alone perform.

"I only have a little of it worked on, and no lyrics." He seemed pretty proud of himself, and I felt a bit bad for thinking about turning him down.

"Okay, Wonwoo's turn." Joshua hyung said, and I guess he kind of wanted to move this along a little faster. Which is understandable since I can feel my left leg starting to fall asleep.

"The school doesn't allow beanies and I feel the need to go against the rules and wear one." I can't tell if it was Wonwoo's normal face that he was wearing, or if he was just dead serious about this.

"So, how about you don't do that." Jeonghan hyung suggested, and Wonwoo sighed.

"That's what I thought you would say." Wonwoo nudged his head to the side to signal for his twin to go ahead.

"I signed up for soccer this summer." I think that was the most predictable thing anyone of us has said this entire time. Minghao and I have discussed some nights what the Meanie twins would do when they came up to the high school, and that was the first thing I had said.

"You'll be good at that." Seungkwan added in, and Mingyu smiled to himself.

"My turn, I guess." Chan said with a sigh, and it only bothered me slightly that we weren't going in a complete circle. Only slightly bothered.

"I'm not saying I dislike the nickname Channie, but can Dino be added into that? I don't know why, but I like it."

"I think I remember Mom saying she wanted to make that your middle name to Minseo Noona." Joshua hyung muttered, and that kind of made since because as her schizophrenia got worse, she started going off on random tangents and acting strange. It sucked.

"Oh." That's all he said, and I could see Dk tighten his grip on Dino.

"I don't like the new neighbors." Samuel said suddenly, and we turned our attention to him since we didn't really expect him to say that. He usually just assumes everyone new that he meets is going to leave him in the end and that people are unnecessary, but he never says he doesn't like someone.

"Why would you say that?" Hansol hyung asked, and a glance at Joshua hyung told me that Sam has mentioned this before to him.

"They took over my old house and you guys will probably like them better than me." I watched Jeonghan hyung try to put his arm around Samuel and pull him closer, but Sam just slid over so he was out of reach. Is everyone just going to break the circle today? 

"That's impossible. You're our little brother." Mingyu said, and Seungkwan added in after him.

"Yeah, there's no way we would ever like them more than we love you."

"We are a baker's dozen, remember?" I added in. I honestly love that phrase so much. The police officer may have been the one to come up with it, and I may have only heard it from Minghao. But gosh I love it.

"Promise?" His voice sounded so little, and we were all painfully reminded that he was only eight.


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