Chapter 5

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<Kat's POV>


Ooh pizza. I take the pizza out of the oven. I set it on the countertop to cool down.

Boop bleep boop

I walk to my computer. Incoming call from LMBO<3. that's my friend Haley's username. I click answer.

"Hey Hay!"

"Hey! How's Chicago?" she lives in England and her British accent is really pure.

"It's ok I mean it has nice weather and a big city, you know? Wait hold on a sec." she nods. I run to the kitchen and grab a slice of pizza and run back.

I look at the monitor a see her shaking her one finger left and right. "Neva run with food!" she says sarcastically.

"Yes mum." I say trying not a smile or laugh. She just bursts out laughing. I grab my phone and text her "Isthatchurmom?" I click send.

Her phone dings. I can see she glancing at it. Sheer laughter on her face. "I can't" she pants "I can't" I'm laughing at her as she walks out of the room and shuts the door. I can still hear her laughing. Ah TYBZI you know what to say.

A minute later she walks in as calm as possible while I'm eating my third slice and I'm as full as ever.

She says "my cousin was so concerned about me he wanted to check for a temperature and see if I cracked my skull. I hate you."

"Oh shut up you love me" I put my hand under my chin.

She groans "ugh I need a nap"

"So is like your cousin moving in or-"

"Oh yeah he just came to visit for a while, he's so sweet."

"How old is he?" I reach to throw out my paper pizza plate.

"Uh 18"

"Wow that's really young age to travel alone and you're 19 right?"

"Yeah I'm nineteen and he's really responsible." I nod.


"Uh what was that?" she asks

"Just stupid neighbors"

In the background Haley's door opens and a head peeks though. That must be her cousin. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looks really tall.

He says "Haley your other friends here" he says it in a British accent but not as pure as Haley's.


"Bye!" I wave to her while her cousin is still in the background. I always let her end the call first, it's are thing. He waves slightly before she clicks end, awkward.

<Haley's POV>

I swivel my chair to look towards my cousin Will after I ended the call. "who's here?"

"Uh Marcus"

"Oh." I get up and adjust my pants and walk to the doorway. Will moves a little to let me by.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Just Kat, my friend. Why do you ask?" He doesn't responded. I turn around and caress my necklace. he looks like he is concentrating but realizes I'm looking at him.

"Oh she just sounded familia'"

"Ok?" I turn around and walk down the hallway to the living room leaving Will behind. I see Marcus looking on his phone.

"Hey Marcus..."

This is a filler but you can probably expect what gonna happen soon.* cough Pax Prime cough cough* ;)

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