Chapter 15

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"Canada" he breathes out barely audible. Did I hear him right?


"Canada" he says a little louder. "It was Canada right?" He looks at me.

"Graser, I don't know what your talking about"

"Ally, I know it's you." He looks at me. That voice...

"Z-Zach?" He nods.

What am I supposed to do now? Hug him, cry? You haven't seen him in 6 years why would I cry and crying doesn't sound like me...but hugging does.

We both hug each other. Not like a awkward hug, a meaningful hug. When we spilt apart from are hugging, we walk again and I kick the small pieces of stone laying upon the cement.

"You never came back" he said solemnly.

"I know" So many memories flood my brain it's hard to concentrate.

"Why? You said you would"

I choked up "My parents" I paused "said it was a one time thing. I couldn't go back every summer" he nods but I know he's confused.

"Do you still have it?" He asks. I stop walking to roll up the end of my pants. I showed him the anklet he made for me. It's a little old an faded, but I still wear it. I look at him and nod. I roll my pant leg down and we continue to walk again.

Silence begins to creep up except the cars passing by around us. "So..." he tries to continue but stops.

"How's life?" I say sarcastically.

"Great! You?" he plays along.

"I'm doing fantastic, college and stuff ya know?"

"Uh I didn't go to college yet"

"As in..?"

"I'm waiting till next year" I nod. Our birthdays were 3 days apart, but I was the older one. It's great to be the older one.

"How's your brother?" I ask. His brother was the exact opposite of him.

"Crazy as ever. Before I left to go to Pax, he caught a fish with his own bare hands." He was really cute till you will get to know him, you'll regret ever think about it. "How's your cousins?" he wiggles his eyebrows. He's always had a crush on one of my cousins, Zoey. Instead of calling her by her real name he would say the 'hot' cousin, but I've gotten used to it so it doesn't bother me anymore.

"They're doing ok. I mean I haven't seen them in a while." he gives me a questionable look "I moved to Chicago remember? They live in New York."

We walk up the pavement into the parking lot. The lights hovering over the parking lot are covered with bugs.

"Ally," I turn to Zach. "Can I have your number?" I nod and he gives me his phone. I type it in. "thanks, bye" he walks to his so is car.

"No problem. Bye" I wave. I hop into my car. I sigh and lean my head against my steering wheel. What just happened?

-=Time Skip to the morning=-

I slowly wake up and rise out of bed. Second day already? Ugh. I roll over and moan. THUD. Great I fell off. I slowly get up, it hurts on my back. I go to the kitchenette and grab some frozen pancakes and put them in the microwave.

I hop back on my bed, grabbing my phone on the side table. 4 notifications , 3 about Pax vlogs and one text. Obviously I click on the text.

It said unknown number: Hey it's Zach.

I reply: hey what's up

As I wait for a reply, I get my pancakes and start eating them. I check the time on my phone, 11:31. I slept that long?

He texts back: H just took me to Chipotle and he filmed it, but he's not uploading it. You should come over, we're at the cube house.

I text back: Hm... Sure I'll be over in a minute.

I throw out the paper plate my pancakes were on. And got ready to go.


Do u guys think I should do a character contest? Comment if you want me to and you'd enter. I just don't want anybody not entering and it being awkward. It would probably be like Kermit's girlfriend or someone random. Idk.

II'll be checking this in 8 hours. Idk y I told you that. Ok...bye!

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