Chapter 18

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The Cube meet up ended with many fans with candy and fan art. All of us were gathered around the coffee table, looking at all the fan art.

"Kat, come look at this." H commands.

I set down my Dr. Pepper (yes) and walk over to him. He's holding a piece of fan art that looks like, half cow, half dolphin. "Is that..." I point at the picture and I look at Brayden. I smile grows on my face, before I start to laugh.

He tilts it towards Brayden so he can see. He quickly glances at the art, then at me. "I don't wanna talk about it" He has his famous smirk on yet looks awkward. He takes a sip of his Pepsi.

I softly laugh and H chuckles with me. I lightly set the paper down, on the big mount of papers.

The door rings. "I'll get it!" Zach implies, already walking to the door. He opens the door and a man in his colorful work clothes appears. The man hands Zach 5 boxes which I assume are pizza, with a little baggie on top. He hands him some money and they split ways.

"Guess what I got!" Zach exclaims.

"Jeffery!" Parker exclaims back, behind some people. People give a few

"Nope. Pizza!" People give out a few 'yays' and follow him to the kitchen counter.

Let the fun begin.

-=+=-TIME SKIP-=+=-

We were all at the airport, making a huge circle, scaring and annoying some people. Grape, Kevin, Brayden, Ryan, and Mitch were leaving us.

I hugged all of them before they got called in. They waved bye and starting walking. Ryan turns around, walking backwards, and blows dramatic kisses at everyone. Ha dork.

I watched them disappear into the tiny hole, leading into the airplane. I turn around, only six of us left.

Zach's phone annoyingly beeps, he grabs it out of his pocket. I skeptically look at him as a grin slowly appears and get bigger. He looks up at me meaningly.

"What did I do?" I ask. So much things that I've could have done wrong starts flooding my brain. It must be a good thing if he's grinning.

He walks over to me, smiling. "Have you've gotten taller?" I shook my head, I'm generally short. "Parker come here!" he says. Parker splits from H and Jordan's conversation and walks over.

"Yeah?" he says questionably.

"Here" he puts Parker and I, back against back, seeing how tall I was. You could easily tell he was taller. What the heck is he pulling?

"Zach," I move back and stand facing Zach "What's going on?"

"What day is it today?" he asks me. He sits down. I slowly sit down next to him.

"Are you high?" I ask, concerned. He never acts this weird. H and Jordan sit in the chairs across from us. Parker casually sits down with us.

"It's hump day, duh!" Jordan exclaims. I grin at him.

"That's true but what else? Say the date?" He pleads.

I open my phone because I don't remember the date on hand. "Um August 30?" I reply, unsure.

"Which is...?" Zach continues.

"The end of August...?" I copy him.

"No! It's your frick-a-doo birthday!" He jokingly yells.

I'm really surprised. I forgot that's my birthday, I was so caught up in YT I forgot.

"1,2,3, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Tybzi yells out the top of his lungs. Jordan, H, and Zach joined in with him. It sounded like a cat as being murdered.

Finally they finished, and some families clapped. I didn't know why, it was terrible.

"What do you want to do?" Zach asks.

"Um..sleep?" I really was tired. "Let's just go back to the cube house" They all slightly nod in agreement and we leave.

"Happy Birthday" Jordan turns to look at me, with the goofiest smile ever.

"Shut up"


I hate myself this was just a filler, so don't think its not going anywhere!

I was on TYBZI's live stream 6 hour charity! They were trying to pronounce my name, it was hilarious. Donutsandpizza tried to kill me, I had a huge lag spike.

If anyone can get optifine, please tell me how.



P.S If you read that long authors note, great job! Here's a cookie. 🍪

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