Chapter 19

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We all trudged into the cube house, sad that its almost over.

"H, when do we have to leave?" I ask. We take the same flight back home and I'm stupid and forgot when.

He checks his phone. "In like less than 3 hours" he replies.

I forgot to pack. And i don't have a car. Hot rocks burn in my throat. "Um can I have a ride back to my place? I forgot to pack." I feel my cheeks burning of embarrassment.

"I'll take you," Zach replies. "Why don't we just meet at the airport when she's done?"

Everyone says okay so we head out the door. We get inside, me twiddling my thumbs after I buckle.

Zach puts his hands on the steering wheel and stops. I look up at him looking at me. "What?" He says.

"You were looking at me?"

He laughs. "your face! Priceless!" Jerk.

He pulls out of the driveway and starts driving. I notice him turning once and a while to look at me.

"Eyes on the road buck-o" I tell him.

"Your so quiet! Why?"

"It's my natural personality." I day smoothly.

He smirks. "Not 7 years ago..." He makes me cracks a smile and he laughs.

"Shut up."

He pulls into a parking spot. We get out and walk into the hotel. He smiles at the counter people and we go into the elevator. I click the button '11' and it closes the door. Only him and I are inside.

He pokes me at my side, making me twitch. Then he does it again. "Stopppp" I slap his hands that are coming at me. He just laughs and stops. "What's up with you today?"

"Cause it's my friends birthday." He bumps hips with me. What Defek? It makes me stumble. The elevator door opens and I walk out first.

I dig through my wallet to find my key card. I notice Zach weirdly dancing behind me. "Are you high? Cause I know your mental."

He laughs and stops. I found my key and slide it through the machine. The door clicks and I enter, with him behind me.

I start throwing my stuff in my suitcase.

"Woah!" He yells. He's on my bed, on my Mac laptop.

"What?" I complain.

"So many Skype requests and texts!"

"Well, it is my birthday so..."

"Oh yeah I forgot."

"Do I need to take you to the hospital? Are you dying?"

"I'm fine, just mentally confused at the moment."

"So you want me to take you to a mental facility?"

He laughs "No," he looks at me in the eye. "I'm fine."

I shrug and look through the kitchen cupboards. A box of Lucky Charms sit next to the stove. Whoops.

"Do you want this?" I ask him.

He keeps scrolling through my stuff. "Is it pizza?" I throw it at him. "Ow. I'll take them." I giggle.

I go into the bathroom and steal the mini soaps and shampoos and conditioners. Yes, I do that.

I walk out, the soap and essentials almost falling out of my grip.

"Here," I look up at him. The box flying at me. It hits me and knocks the essentials out of my hands. "I finished."

I open the box, revealing the Cheerios shapes inside. "You only ate the marshmallows..."

"I know." I groan and throw it out. I pick up the items that I dropped and put them in my suitcase.

I pick up my Mac he was currently using and turned it off. "Meany." he says childishly. I zip up my Mac and put it away.

"I think I'm ready." I say nervously. I'm one of those people who feel like they forgot something.

I get no response. I turn to Zach lay on my bed, comfortable. He pats the other half, wanting me to lay with him.

I run over to the other side and jump on. I laugh. I feel like a little kid again.

"I don't want to miss my fl-"

"Shhhhh. Relax" he says soothingly.

But the eery feeling creeped up on me that I don't know people have been doing on this bed.

"And I'm done." I slide off the bed, falling on my butt. It makes a loud thud. We both laugh. He gets up and offers me a hand. We get up and head to the airport.

-=+=-Time Skip-=+=-

We are sitting in this booth at this old burger place inside the airport. Since we forgot lunch, we decided to eat here. And that it's across from our departure.  

"Aren't you gonna eat, 'cuz I'll eat it?" Tybzi asks. I throw my burger at him. I feel too weird to eat. 

"You got to eat something," Zach implies "You'll starve"

I lift up my fries, enthasizing that I have food.  "Are you gonna eat it though?"

"Yes" I say defiantly. He gives me a 'whatever' look. I slowly intake a fry, just incase if i feel like throwing up.

"Flight 69 is arriving in 5 minutes, Flight 69 is arriving in 5 minutes. Thank you." The loudspeaker woman says. I ignore their childish remarks next to me and get up since our flight was arriving. Me, H, and Tybzi grab our stuff. We hug Zach and Parker, saying goodbye.

"I'll miss you" Zach says

"I'll miss you too" I say back.

"Flight 69 is boarding, Flight 69 is boarding." The loudspeaker said.

We break out of our hug, and we start walking to our docking station. My eyes are burning. I don't dare turning around, it'll be too hard to leave as it already is.


Hey! Probably 1 or 2 more chapters left! I'm excited! Vote and comment plz! :b

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