How to change your life in 3 seconds

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From Comparison to Celebration...
Everyone wants to know the truth. And here it is:

You shape your own reality.

How you view the world are your thoughts – and your thoughts are the truth.

The truth is your reality.

Think about it...reread it...screenshot it so you don't forget it.

It's the exact concept when two people step out of the same movie theater.

One woman is furious and storms back to the ticket desk, demanding a refund for such an awful film. One man has a smile stretched across his face and leaves thinking that was the best film he's ever watched.

Same movie.

Two different perspectives. Two different experiences.

The world is the movie. If you take out your subconscious, ignore your inner voice and subjective thinking – the world continues to move on without you. How you see it only changes you. Nothing else about the world changes. The movie still stays the same. The world continues to live on despite what you think of it.

The power of your perception is the key to controlling your thoughts and feelings. You're in control of your own reality.

Think about that when you compare yourself to another person –

the smarter one in your school that you aspire to be,

or the smoking hot chic you see on Instagram that takes photos effortlessly,

or that person you always walk by who you desperately want to be friends with because they just seem so god damn cool.

The moment you feel hear yourself say:

"I can't look like..."

"I don't have the money to be..."

"I don't have the body and face..."

"I'm not..."

Well that's only fucking happening because you're thinking it, therefore, it becomes the truth.

And since the truth is your reality, you mind as well believe it - because that's what you see, right?

So what's the trick to this?

How do you change your reality? Your truth? Your thinking?

You stop comparing... and you start celebrating.

Easier said than done. I know. But stay with me.

Comparison is the killer of joy.

If you're Joe who is working hard towards his goals but feels disheartened once he sees someone smashing their goals in the gym, in their career and in their life – he feels less motivated to continue.

If you're Susan that sees the most gorgeous woman across the hall every day. She has everything Susan aspires. The luscious hair, model height, cute bubble butt, perfect nose and Miss Universe smile. Susan starts to feel jealous and then upset she doesn't have any of those features. She's stuck with a nose that's the size of a yacht and a pancake butt – and hates to see herself in the mirror.

If you're James who always watches his friends win sports competitions and maintain the highest marks in class while landing the hottest girl in school - James thinks he's not good enough like his friends.

If you're Tammy that's had a crush on her best friend for years and when she's about to confess her feelings, her best friend introduces his new girl friend to Tammy. Tammy's heart shatters and she immediately resents his girlfriend, comparing every aspect of herself to this girl she doesn't even know.

I could write this list for hours but I kind of want to leave my house at some point. You get what I'm saying though.

As soon as these people see someone have something that they don't – they compare, they become insecure and negative feelings rise.

If you want something, you need to do two things:

1) Think it into existence. What you think and focus on will expand. If you focus on the negative or lack, that's what you will create more of in your life. Be positive, be confident, be that hardworking bee in the class or the gym – and you will attract what you want.

2) If you want something someone else has – celebrate it with them. And celebrate what you already have. Put yourself in a space where you can support and celebrate the success of others. Be their personal cheerleader.




I'm slowly trying to move my writing from WATTPAD and to my website. ❤️🙏🏼

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