When you KNOW you could be doing better

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Do you want MORE for yourself?

Ever frustrated because you KNOW you can do better?

That you're worth so much more - but for some reason, you can't bring yourself to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?

Your mood instantly dampens at the thought and you feel like you could cry at the drop of a pin.

Your emotions have more control over you than your thoughts.

When I was 16 - I realised I was setting expectations for myself that I deep down KNEW were never achievable. I confused other people's expectations with my own and my truth got lost along the way.

I was limiting myself; I was mentally putting up barriers and telling myself I couldn't achieve this and that. Secretly, I was ashamed I wasn't living up to my potential.

What scared me THE MOST - was that my parents would live their life thinking their daughter never lived up to her potential.

And that I'd let them down.

I was 19 when I realised these false beliefs were influenced by society, but the one driving the bus of self-sabotage was myself. I was always the one behind the wheel. Whether this bus drove off the cliff or kept chugging forward - was my choice.

Every thought I had was my choice.
Setting those limiting beliefs was my choice.

Realize if you want change to happen, it's not the world that's going to light the fire under your ass.

It's you.

"But, Azia" - you tell me. "I know it's me. I know I'm the problem."

You're also the fucking answer.

That's when I finally discovered this whole journey - me feeling I could do better, me feeling I wasn't reaching my potential - is really me LIVING up to what I was meant to do.

This idea of wanting 'MORE'; however, me struggling, me hurting and actually growing, IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE MORE.

What you're reaching for, you already have. And you have so much life ahead of you to keeping BECOMING MORE. Don't set this limiting belief that you're not the person you're supposed to be.

Being "ready" to "step into" this ideal person you're meant to be is a LIE.

You're never going to be ready. You are the person you're meant to be RIGHT NOW. And you will continue to evolve.


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