*Miley's POV cont*
A while later after I had calmed down and Nick had finished his coffee he decided that it would be good for us to go out for dinner. I didn't notice how hungry I was up until he brought the idea up. I was too nervous the entire day thinking about how Nick was going to react that I had forgotten to eat anything and though he was tired he still wanted to spend some more time with me. We had decided to go to one of those fancy restaurants all the way downtown near SoHo.
I got up from his lap and walked to the bedroom, looking up and down at myself in the tall sleek mirror. I puckered my lips, thinking about what to wear. I opened my closet to look for something nice. I couldn't possible go to a restaurant looking like I just hopped out of bed. After a couple of minutes of searching for something I locked eyes on a satin white low cut dress with lace sleeves that stopped just below my knees. It didn't even look like something I would wear, not that I'm not into dressing up or anything. I just go for something comfortable and easy to wear. I much prefer loose dresses that were easy to move in. But the dress was just too beautiful to let stay in the closet so I slipped it on with a pair of heels that matched the exact color of it.
Now that I got the hardest part settled I began to work on my hair and make up. I wasn't too big on wearing make up either so I went for the basic things, foundation, blush, mascara, and lipstick. I coated my lips with a light pink lipstick, then let my short bangs sweep across my forehead. One of the best benefits of having short hair is not having to stress about it. I could do simple hairstyles that didn't take more than 10 minutes. That was nothing compared to how long it took me to do my hair back when I had it down to my waist.
Suddenly, I thought about my high school prom. Of course Justin had asked me out but only because I begged him to. He wasn't really into the whole prom thing, and he hated the thought of having to wear a suit.
"How long do I have to wear this thing?" Justin asked, tugging at the collar of his button down. He had spent the whole night complaining about how uncomfortable he was and we just entered the ballroom where the prom held. Yellow and blue balloons were scattered across the floor along with matching confetti. There had been a cheap band playing sappy music in the bathroom that few people were slow dancing too. Everyone else sat at the many tables and gossiped amongst each other.
I laughed. "We just got here, Ju." I fixed his tie and pecked his lips. He let out a groan to which I responded by kissing his jawline. "Only for a couple of hours okay? The second prom is over you can rip it off." His hand lifted up to my face and curled his fingers around my hair, a habit of his that he would do whenever he was thinking. His lips were slightly pouted, making him look even more cuter than he already was.
The band had switched into a slow melody and I heard the lead singer's voice slowly come into my ears. For some strange reason I couldn't help but pay attention to the lyrics and the light sounds of guitar strings and piano chords. Justin intertwined our fingers together and brushed his thumb over mine. "Do you want to dance?"
Before I could reply he shifted me onto the dance floor. We found a spot between two other couples and his hand slipped around my waist, pulling our bodies close together. I felt the palm of his hand flatten against my loved back. Smiling, I tangled my fingers in his hair and brushed my fingertips over the nape of his neck.
"Justin Bieber slow dancing. I never thought I'd see the day." I looked up at him and saw that he was smirking. instead of replying, he tangled his fingers in my locks of hair and kissed the top of my head. We danced in complete silence for a while as the band played some more. As the lyrics of the song grew louder, it perfectly described how I felt about Justin at this exact moment.

FanfictionJustin and Miley were once high school sweethearts who already had their whole future together planned out. But as always, reality hit them and they learned that things don't always go as planned. Now, 5 years later they meet again in New York with...