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*Miley's POV*

When I arrived home I saw Nick sitting at the dining room table with documents all around him and a steaming cup of coffee by his side. His thumb clicked at his pen repeatedly. He was so involved in his work that he didn't even notice me walk in. Slipping my jacket off, I walked to the kitchen and stood next to him. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my head rest on his shoulder.

He still had the scent of his cologne on him along with the smell of his shampoo. I breathed in slowly to allow myself to admire how good he always smells. Even when he just wakes up, he smells like hot coffee and cinnamon. His body relaxed and he kissed the palm of my hand, running his thumb over my warm skin. "You're finally home." He murmured, kissing up to my wrist.

I smiled. "Yep. You're home early." I gazed my eyes up at the clock we had on top of the cabinets. "Super early, actually. What's up?" I played with his facial hair. He hasn't shaved his face in a couple of days, so he had a slight stuble of hair on his face. Not that I minded or anything. He looked even more cute with a beard. Nick shrugged his shoulders and turned his head slightly so that we was looking directly at me. I padded my thumb along the bags under his eyes.

"I clocked out early today. I needed some time to myself, plus I wasn't in the mood to deal with the craziness of New York today." He sighed, leaning his head against my hand.

I immediately understood. This wasn't the first time that Nick was stressed out over work. He loved his current job, but couldn't wait until he would finally become the lawyer he's always dreamed of being.

"That's okay. You shouldn't over work yourself anyway." I pressed my lips against his forehead.

He sighed. "I know, I know. That's why I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner this weekend. I'll be free with work." He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled up at me.

I thought about my trip to Canada with Justin. I had already promised him that I would be there for him, so I can't just bail out on him during the one time where he needs me the most. But during our phone call, I didn't even think about Nick. I didn't think about how he would feel if he knew that me and Justin spoke. I didn't think about how I was lying to his face everyday and making him think that me and Justin don't think about each other anymore. Nick doesn't deserve to be hurt this way. So why do I keep doing this to him?

"Actually...I can't this weekend. I'm busy." Was all I said. I needed to come up with a good, clean way to tell him about my trip to Canada. There was no way that I can tell him that Justin will be with me.

"Busy with what?"

Quick Miley, think of something.

"I have to go meet with some executives for the magazine. They want to go over their plan for the next year and things like that." It was sad that it was so easy for me to lie to Nick. The words came out light and easy, like I had been trained to hurt the person that I love.

Nick's smiled fell for a moment. "Oh. That sucks." He looked down at our interlaced fingers. "Well, when you get back I'll have something planned for us."

He actually fell for it. That made me feel even worse. He trusted me enough to believe everything that I said, no matter what it was. He trusted me with all his heart and I'm taking that trust for granted by still being hung up on Justin.

I held back tears. "Okay...I'll miss you. A lot." At least that was true. Deep down inside, I will miss Nick. His positive outlook on life and the way he treats me is something that every girl will remember.

Nick kissed my engagment ring. "I'll miss you too. Do you need me to help you pack? I can take a break from all of this." He looked back at his paper work.

I shook my head. He needed to get his work done, and I think that if I stayed around him for any longer I would end up crying and telling him how sorry I am for not being the woman that he deserves. I can't keep hurting him like this. I just can't.

"It's fine...I'll start packing now. After I'm done we can sit and watch a couple of movies, alright?" I caressed the side of his face with the palm of my hand and then descended down the hall to our bedroom. When I closed the door behind me I pressed my back against the wall and let out a shaky breath.

After a few moments of trying to calm down I was finally well enough to move. I walked to our closet and reached for the leather suitcase that I always used for business trips. It was still in a perfect condition with only minor scratches that had come from me dragging it all around.

I set the suitcase at the end of my bed, then walked back to the closet to retrieve my clothes. What should I pack? It's not like I want to look good for Justin or anything but I didn't want to just look like some homeless person. Besides, I'm not going to fashion week. I'm going to check on the well being of his grandfather.

I packed a pair of jeans along with some sweatpants, stuffing some shirts into the little open space. Walking over to the dresser, I collected all my make up and toiletries. After cramming them into the bag I zipped the suitcase shut, then sat down next to it on the bed.

I don't understand why I keep doing this to myself. I have an amazing guy that wants to spend the rest of his life with me but I'm still hung up on someone who left me because he wasn't ready for a commitment. I should just forget about Justin and live my life with Nick like I'm supposed to.

Just then, I suddenly remembered that my mom would be here soon. I completely forgot about her. Checking the time on my watch, I assumed that she would be off the plane already so I grabbed my phone and dialled her number.

"Hey honey, I'm waiting for a taxi now."

"Mom...I'm so sorry but I have to go away this weekened for a emergency meeting. I'm flying to Canada tomorrow." Great Miley. Now you're lying to your own mother. "I'll be back my Monday morning though, so as soon as I touch down we can look at dresses." I hoped that she wouldn't be too upset.

There was a small pause. "That's terrible sweetheart, if you really need to go then you should. I can rescheduiale our appointment at the dress shop for Monday afternoon. Is everything alright?" I heard her mumbling what may be the address to her hotel to the cab driver, then the shutting of the car door.

Sighing, I moved a fallen piece of hair away from my eyes. "I'm fine mom...I'll see you on Monday. I'll have Nick show you around the city while I'm away." She would enjoy that. She really loves Nick and is happy that I finally found someone to move on with, but if only she knew what I was going through right now.

"Okay honey. Call me when you land. Also if you get the chance to, please make sure to drop by and visit Justin's grandfather. I think he will be happy to see you."

Oh god. The irony. I didn't know if I should tell her that the only reason why I'm going to Canada is to support Justin because she would ask me a thousand questions.

"I will." Was all I said. She gave a quick reply, then we both hung up the phone.

I sighed and laid back on the bed. Looking up ahead at the ceiling I wondered where I would be right now if me and Justin had remained together. I probably wouldn't be in New York right now and me and Justin would've been married or engaged. There could even be a slight possibility that we would have been blessed enough to have a child together. I groaned to myself, covering my face with my hands.

I can't think about this. I can't.

I needed to figure out how I could get through the weekend without confessing my love for him, again.

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