*Miley's POV*
I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock ringing extra loud, echoing against the walls of my bedroom. I let out a groan stretched my arms out on the bed. Even though me and Justin's flight leaves at 9:30, I set my alarm clock to 6 am because I knew that it would take me forever to prepare myself. I carefully got out of bed so that Nick wouldn't wake up by my movements. He had offered to drive me to the airport, but I told him that he didn't need to. If Nick drove me to the airport and saw Justin, he would automatically know what was going on.
I walked to my balcony window, seeing a thin layer of snow over the sidewalks and parked cars. Thank god I didn't have a car. There wasn't a point in having one in New York because you could always either get on the subway, or use a taxi to get you everywhere. I had a car during high school that once belonged to my aunt. It was a run down pickup trick that had chipping greenish paint and a terrible stereo. I cherished that piece of garbage though. Even if it looked like it belonged in a pile of metal scraps. I always promised myself back then that I would take it to a mechanic, get everything fixed, and get a brand new sleek paint job so that people would not think I was crazy when they saw me riding it. Of course though all of those things costs thousands of dollars that I did not have yet. So, before going off to college I sold it to some sophomore that had just gotten their learner a permit. With the money I made from that it helped me purchase tons of journalism books and magazines to study. If you think about it, that piece of crap is the reason why I'm here today living in a beautiful place. I wonder if that sophomore got everything fixed or maybe found someone that would find the truck cool enough to ride in. Justin hated it. He always called it 'the ride of death' and embarrassed me by flashing his retro, yet still modern looking motorcycle that his father bought for him on his birthday. He was such a show off back then. The funny thing though was the fact that he didn't know how to drive a damn motorcycle.
Laughing to myself, I walked to the bathroom that connected to the bedroom. It was big enough to fit a shower and a bathtub, but since it was packed with all sorts of decorative things it looked tiny. I already knew that I would waste even more time taking a bath so I turned the shower on. As a waited for the water to hear up, I took out all of the toiletries that I needed from the bathroom closet. Once the water was at a reasonable temperature I slid my clothes off and tossed them into the hamper before getting in the shower.
30 minutes later I stepped out, wrapping a plush towel around my body. I decided to work on my makeup first since that would be the easiest thing to do. Light and simple Miles, I thought to myself. I grabbed my makeup back and opened it, taking our all of the necessary things that I needed so that I wouldn't look like a dead person. After adding the basic things like foundation and blush I carefully drew on my eyeliner, making sure that it looked perfect on each eye. After I was pleased with my work I added some rosy pink lip gloss on my lips, looking at myself in the mirror as if to make sure that everything was fine.
"You look beautiful." Slightly startled, I turned to see a wide awake Nick leaning his back against the door frame. I assumed that he had woken up during my shower since he still had bed head.
"Have you been standing there all this time?" I chuckled and walked to him, wrapping my arms around his frame. He nodded, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.
I felt a vibration against my skin and the sound of his light chuckle. "I have, actually. I wanted to spend some time with you before your flight. How about some breakfast?" He offered, moving his face away so that I could look directly in his eyes.
"Breakfast would be fine. Just let me get dressed, okay?" I pecked his lips, ruffling his already messed up hair. Nick smiled at me and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek, heading out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. I followed him out, but walked straight to the bedroom.
I closed the door behind me, removing the towel to slip on my underwear and matching bra. After that was done I opened my closet door and licked my lips. This was the hard part. I slid on a pair of dark jeans, then grabbed an oversized sweater from the hanger, putting it over my body. Since it was snowing out I put on a pair of boots to protect my feet from the cold. There would probably be some snow in Canada, which will be way worse than New York. My eyes flicked towards the digital clock on my nightstand. 7:36. I should be finished eating breakfast with Nick by 8, giving me enough time to make it to the airport. I sent Justin a quick text telling him that I'd be there soon, then walked to the kitchen.
Nick had made coffee and poured two glasses for me and him. He took out some of the fresh grapes from the refrigerator and was currently standing over the oven, making what I assumed to be omelettes because of the smell of cut peppers and seasoning.
"Do you need help with that?" I made my way to him. He always had a problem with cooking, but always wanted to cook.
He nodded, sighing in defeat. "I don't know how to turn these things without making it one big pan of scrambled eggs." He watched me while I turned one omelet quickly with ease, and then did the same to the other one.
"Leave the rest of the cooking to me." I laughed. A couple minutes later the food was ready and we were eating across from each other.
Nick looked up at me from his almost finished plate and pressed the coffee mug to his lips. "Call me when you land, okay?" He always worried about me whenever I travelled. I don't understand why though, it's not like I'm going to get mugged the second I land. But to please him, I would do anything.
"I will." Checking the time again, I saw that it was 8 on the dot. Standing up, I placed both the plate and coffee on the counter. "Baby I have to leave now if I want to catch my flight." Leaning down, I kissed his forehead before walking to the coat hanger.
I put on my jacket and retrieved my bags from the bedroom. Nick had put his plate away as well, but poured another cup of coffee. As I walked to the door, I heard his footsteps following behind me.
"Keep my mom company okay? She loves being around you."
Nick kissed the corner of my mouth. "Got it boss. Have a safe flight, my love." He opened the front door and held it open for me, crossing his arms.
I kissed him one last time before descending out of the apartment. Once I was outside I noticed that the snow had gotten thicker. I stood by a street corner and waited for my cab to arrive. While I waited, I felt a wave of anxiety. Me and Justin have barely said a word to each other since we kissed. Will he be upset with me? Will I make a fool out of myself? There was a endless list of possibilities that can happen between us during this trip but I hope that this will somehow better our friendship.
A cab came a few moments later. I put my bags in the trunk, then got inside. I told the driver my address and checked the random apps on my phone to help me relax. I then realized that Justin sent me a text message.
'I'm here already. Can't wait to see you, Miles. I missed you...'

FanfictionJustin and Miley were once high school sweethearts who already had their whole future together planned out. But as always, reality hit them and they learned that things don't always go as planned. Now, 5 years later they meet again in New York with...