Chapter Whon

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Ninjas POV

"Wow I live being a Fortnite streamer" I cried. I just chocked an Arena Solo game, I realized that people are so much better at Fortnite then me. But I just didn't understand, I had been the best Fortnite player for god knows how long. I was suddenly off my game. I banged my fists again my keyboard, and started to cry.

It had been about 2 months since me and my (now) ex wife Jess got divorced. She divorced me because she wanted to date my best friend Ben (or Dr.Lupo) because he made more money than me. He was my best friend, and I still can't believe that he would steal my girl like that. I feel so betrayed. I was sitting in my now empty apartment, since Jess had been awarded all of the furniture in the divorce (she was even given my prized possession, my lightning mcqueen sofa chair 😔). I was looking for love, but humans weren't enough for my kneeds. I knew exactly what I wanted.

The next morning I decided to finally get out of the house for the first time in 4 years (I never had to leave because Jess ran all the errands for me). Since I never go outside, I don't own a car. So I called an Uber to pick me up and drive me somewhere (I didn't care at the monent, I just wanted to get the he'll out of the house). The Uber took 20 minute to get there. I got out my phone and decided to text Ben( aka Dr.Lupo) because I had nothing better to do with my time.

Ninja: hey Ben, it's been awhile... how's Jess?
Ben: you don't need to no that.
Ninja: wait why??? I thought we were on good terms Ben?
Ben: she's uh....
Ninja: what is she??? Ben respond!
Ben: Tyler.. she..
Ben: Tyler, Jess is dead.
Ninja: No this can't be, I just saw her stream!
Ben: Then she went out with her friends and didn't come back, the hospital called me at 12:30 am telling me she's dead, I know.
Ninja: ....
Ben: listen bro I'm sorry

I sat on the dusty and cold tile floor of my apartment, drowning in my own tears. Then i thought about the Uber. I called it off. This apartment once held a very happy ( Childless) family. But just when I thought I could get her back, she dies. Why is it always me losing everything, my Fortnite account, my furniture, and not the love of my life anymore.

Optimus Prime's POV

Ever since the team of transformers disbanded, I was jobless and desperately needed money (even though the transformers movies have made more than 5 billion dollars in sales, being a transformer still didn't pay that well.) So, I decided to go job hunting. About 5 months ago I had the amazing idea of becoming an Uber driver. So, I've been working this job for 5 months now. Today I checked the Uber app to see if anyone had requested me as their driver, and I had 1 request! I read the name.

Tyler Blevins has requested you to be their driver!
Their home address is ...

    I nearly had a robot stroke when I read that notification. Ninja from Fortnite wants you to be his Uber driver. Oh my god. I put on my big, impractical robot shoes and ran out of my house. My doorway had to be custom built taller for me because of how freakishly tall I am. I didn't mind. All my life I knew that I wasn't like the other girls.
     I walked into my driveway and transformed into a car.

Ninja x Optimus Prime: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now