Chapter 9ine

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  Optimus POV
       I was so surprised I think I left the fridge open.

       "Tyler, where are we going?" I asked him, but all he did was just hold my hand. I took that as if we were going somewhere special. So I ignored my curiosity and looked out the window. The sun was just starting to set and-

   "Holy sh- Is that Shrek? Oh my god." Tyler said, he made Simon the Chipmunk stop driving and literally dove into the street. His blue( what the frick is his hair color?) hair was getting whiffed by cars flying left and right. I got out of the Tesla, and flew into the street with my robot jet engine. I stepped in front of a completely different Tesla, pulled out my sword and crashed it into the ground so that the rocks would go up and make the car stop.

    "Tyler! I just hit a random-ass rock for you, now where the hell is Shrek?" I said, I wasn't angry, I was just worried for his safety. And I longed to see Shrek's handsome green face. I held out my hand to help Ty up. His face was flushed from fear.

    "But I saw Shrek... wait is that Elon Musk? Holy sh-" Tyler exclaimed, I quickly turned around to see the man himself, Elon Musk. I put away my sword so I wouldn't accidentally slice Ninja or Mr.Musk.

    "Tyler Blevins? Optimus Prime? Well what a surprise!" He extended his hand as if I hadn't just taken out a sword and stabbed the ground.

    "Hello Mr.Musk, big fan of the Tesla's." Tyler told Elon. They shook hands and Elon just looked at me.

    " Thanks, you can just call me Elon. Hey Optimus, I thought I would tell you something before your 'date'." He said, he put a hand on my robot back and walked me away from Tyler.

   "Now that we're out of earshot, Optimus... You know how you grew up in a Robot Orphanage?" Elon asked me, I was shocked he knew that.

    " Yeah... what about it?" I said, I was starting to get confused here. How could Elon know?

    "Many, many years ago, I met a beautiful robot woman named Cassandra at the launch party for the first iPhone. God, it's been a long time since I've thought of that woman. Sorry, I'm getting off track. What I'm trying to say is that...I think I'm your father, Optimus.."

My robot heart stopped.

Cliffhanger  :p

J&J xoxo

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