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Ninja POV
*Flashback, five months earlier*
I was just chilling on the couch with Jess, being married to her was awesome. We were watching Planet of the Dawn of the Apes. Her phone was sitting next me when it binged. I looked at it , expecting nothing. But it was from Ben. I didn't know they had each others number.
"Hey someone texted you..." I said to her, she didn't have a reaction. So I looked at it for her.

Ben: Hey baby 😏😏😏😏😏😏

I couldn't believe it. I thought for a second that he texted the wrong person.

"Jess? Why is Ben texting you 'hey baby'?" She looked at me with wide eyes and snatched her phone out of my hands. I saw that she quickly typed a response and turned it off.

"Fucking answer me!" I told her, she looked at me and left the couch, and ran out of the house.  I was so confused why would she ran out like that.  Then it came all into perspective she was cheating on me with Ben.
*Flash back end*

Optimus Prime's POV

I walked into my driveway and TRANSFORMED into a semi truck.  I was so happy Ninja out of all people wanted me to pick him up. Then as I was just down the street from his house when a I received a notification.

Uber App
Mr. Blevins has canceled the Uber!

My heart was crushed. Why did he cancel the Uber so late, I felt tears reach my eyes but to a car that was nothing but an oil leak. I slowly made a stop on the street and prepared to do U-turn. I turned around the street and headed back home. I so close to meeting my hero, but maybe he was busy. I was just passing a row of rich people houses when I was stopped by an extremely yellow person which I had not want to see ever again.

"Heya Prime! Where you off to?" Bumble Bee asked me as I TRANSFORMED back into a robot.

"Oh, just no where. Heard your in a new movie, must be cool." I said with a flat tone. I hated him so much. He took what was supposed to be my role in "Transformers" but the producers thought that since he's yellow, he fit the role better.

"Yea. It's great. And it will be a real money maker too!" He said excitedly, he looked up at me. I had always been taller than him, my name wasn't Prime for a reason.

"Heard that you are a Uber driver, what made you do that all of a sudden?" Bumble Bee asked, he gestured to the road in which I had just come from. God I hate this conversation. Yeah sure why not question my new job when you know that you took my money. All of it. I'm reduced to nothing but an Uber driver now, thanks to you.

"Yeah so what, trying to make some money. Is there a problem?" I said with a warning glare at him, as I towered over him. He backed up.

"No, no problem. Just confirming rumors." He said with that robot smile any robot girl could want.

"Ok. This conversation is over, I hate you." I said flatly to him, Bumble Bee had no reaction. I TRANSFORMED back into a semi truck. And left this mess of a conversation.

Ninja x Optimus Prime: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now