Chapter 11

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Optimus POV

I walked down the alleyway searching for Tyler, wondering how I'm ever going to find him in this place. He could be anywhere. I took careful steps to make sure that I did not alert any noise to what ever is causing havoc here. 

The sky was a hazy shade of grey, masked by clouds and illuminated by nothing but the bright moon and the street lamps. The wet streets shined with rain and reflected the lights from above. It was beautiful, yet it was hard to appreciate the beauty of the night when my one true love was missing. 

 As I round the corner on the wet concrete, I saw a human-shaped figure laying on the sidewalk leaned up against the brick wall of the library. I carefully approached it. And there it was.

I saw a body of a woman who's bottom half of her had been ripped off.

 I knelled down on my robot legs and examined the body. I have learned in many Transformer movies that this is what you do if you want to find out how. I kept looking around, occasionally poking at her guts falling out of her.

  The woman had long, wavy brown hair that just reached her shoulders and wore lots of eye makeup.

Her eyes were still open.

Her torso was soaked  with what was presumably her own blood, her clothing stained red. She wore a gold necklace splattered in blood. I carefully examined the necklace to see if it could give me a clue as to who she was.

Then I stopped.
Holy shit it's Pokimane.

I held her in my big robot arms and cried out a single robot tear. If this happened to Poki, where the hell is Tyler?

Ninja POV

After seeing the woman's dismembered body laying on the sidewalk, I ran away as fast as I could, not even paying attention as to where I was heading. I ran, and ran, and ran until my Fortnite Streamer legs couldn't run anymore. 

I walked down the sidewalk, illuminated by the street lamps above me. Far away I could hear cars driving through the soaked streets. For a moment I let my mind focus on the sounds of the city far away, feeling my heart rate slow and deeply breathing in the cold air of the night. I took a moment to appreciate the beauty around me, and quickly remembered why I was here in the first place. 


"Optimus! Baby! Prime! Optimuuuus!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My words echoed throughout the quiet of the city. I prayed that he could hear me. I scanned around me to get a good idea of how far away I had wandered from where we even started, hoping I could retrace my steps. God, how did I even get here? It feels like this morning happened a month ago. 

Then I heard footsteps behind me. I brightly grinned. 

"Tyler? Baby? What are you doing out here?" 

Then my heart stopped.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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