Chapter for

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Xxx-xxx-xxxx: Hey I've seen you around and I talked to one of your friends to get your number and I think your worth it.

Ninja: Oh hello! So you've seen me around eh? So, who are you?

Xxx-xxx-xxxx: This might not sound very believable, but I'm Optimus Prime.

Ninja: Optimus Prime? Like, from Transformers? Is this a prank?

Xxx-xxx-xxxx: Seriously I'm Optimus Prime.

Ninja: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Optimus Prime: yeah that's usually how people react

Ninja: wait you're actually real?

Optimus Prime: yeah?

Ninja: ok prove it

Optimus Prime sends a selfie of him winking

Ninja: holy shit.................. 😨

Optimus Prime: u like what u see?

Ninja: Yes actually 😏😏😏😏😏😏

Optimus Prime POV

I'm sitting on my couch, and I blush when I get that text from Ninja. I have no idea how to respond. I was just flirting and then he just takes the extra step. My circuits felt like they were having trouble analyzing this information, ugh why did he have to say that back. So I decided to contact my good ol' friend TimTheTatMan( or Tim).

Optimus Prime: Tim! I need your help!!!!

Tim: what is it??? Finally found a hot robot chick🤔

Optimus Prime: What?! No I'm gay, why would u ask that...

Tim: Sorry bro

Optimus Prime: It's fine. I texted Ninja and now he's flirting back!!! What do I do???

Tim: Oh really, Tyler?

Optimus Prime: Yes! Tyler.

Tim: ok, so just ask him out 🤷🏻‍♂️

Optimus Prime: really?! That's it

Tim: Yes?...

Optimus Prime: Oh ok :) thanks!

Tim: Sure thing bud? I'm so confused...

Optimus Prime POV

So it was just that easy, well this probably won't hurt. Key word probably. So I hit send with Hey wanna meet up at Coffee Plus? He hadn't responded yet so I went to my kitchen for some good oil. I think you could call me an oil addict, well I can't drink human liquor so this is the closest thing to it. I took out a shot glass poured the oil all the way to the top. It spilled over a little bit, but that doesn't matter. I finished it with a swig, I gagged at the taste, but I guess that's what humans do when the drink alcohol. I rinsed out the shot glass and set it down next to the sink. My metal feet making clanking noise on the tile floor, I walked back to living where I could see that my phone had two notifications.


Ninja: Sure ;)

Optimus Prime: 11?

Ninja: Perfect

Ninja POV

Did I just get asked out by a robot? I guess I did... I haven't been on a date in such a long time. There was only one person that could help me.


Ninja: Poki!!!! I need your help.

Pokimaine: What is it??? A date 🤔

Ninja: Ok, this might sound crazy but Optimus Prime asked me out...

Pokimaine: 😂

Ninja: This isn't a joke!!!

Pokimaine: It's not?

Ninja: No!

Pokimaine: Oh, well what do u need help with?

Ninja: Outfit

Pokimaine: I'm coming over

Ninja POV

While waiting for her to come over I kept looking at the picture that Optimus Prime sent me. I had no idea they could wink( let alone exist). I thought it was just movie magic or whatever the hell that was.

Pokimaine POV

I had no idea Tyler was gay, wait is that gay. Does the robot have a gender? I got into my car and headed straight for his house. My thoughts kept drifting to how in the world would a robot fall in love with Ninja, out of all people. I felt my phone buzz next to me so I put it on Bluetooth so I wouldn't crash into a car. (Safety is important)

"Hello?" I said as made a right turn onto Tyler's street.

"Hi! This is Alvin and the Chipmunks! We were wondering if you had any events coming up for us to sing at?" An extremely squeaky voice said, I took a moment to realize what he said.

"No way! Which are you?!" I said a little over excited. I brushed my hair behind my ear so I could hear better.

"I'm Simon. Anyway, do you have any events?" Simon said, with an annoyed tone.

"Not yet, but keep my number, I'll have one soon." I said with the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) face.

"Great! Just contact us when you have one!" He said, I could hear his brothers in the back cheering and clapping.

"Oh I will." I said with a smirk. They hung up as soon as I pulled into Ninja's driveway.

Ninja x Optimus Prime: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now