Chapter fie

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Ninja POV

Poki pulled up to my house with a big smile on her face. I choose to ignore the fact the she practically ran up to my door. I was sitting in my computer chair while watching tv, because Jess took the couch. I heard the door bell ring so I stood up to go answer it. I opened the door to be engulfed in a hug.

"Tyler! Great news!" Poki said, while staring up at me with a smile. I gestured my arm inside so I could close the door. She followed me inside, and set her stuff down on my kitchen counter.

"Ok what's the great news?" I asked her while going back to computer chair, she brought over a bar stool the only one I had left at my table.

"If this 'thing' with Optimus Prime goes well... Alvin and the chipmunks can play at your wedding!" She said with jazz hands at the end.

"Wait, wait, wait. We haven't even been on our first date, and your already planning our marriage. Come on Poki." I said, as a put a hand on her shoulder.

"Whatever. Just tell me what your gonna wear." She said as she brushed my hand off. I lead her upstairs to my closet and handed her a a pile of clothes that I planned to wear.

  Poki dug through the colorful mountain of clothes  with an intense look on her face. She was determined to find me the best possible outfit for my very important first date with Optimus.

Poki POV

"Seriously." I said, while holding up a Ninja T-Shirt that was blue and black.

"What? It's merch." He said defensively, I continued looking through his clothes when I found the absolute best first date with robot outfit.

"Hey what about this?" I asked him while holding a shirt up to his chest. He looked down at it, and smiled. The shirt was navy blue, blue jeans, and a black bandana around his blue hair.

"Seems perfect. For a stream." He said jokingly, while sitting down on the tile floor. He looked out his window which was letting in some light in this sad house.

"You wanted my help and that's what you get." I said a little sassy while flipping my hair towards him. I sat on the floor across from him.

"Thank you." Ninja said to me. He looked like he was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"Rule number one: Never talk about sore subjects with him such as how he lost his job. Got it!" I told him forcefully, he looked surprised at what I said. He needed dating 101 again.

"Rule number two: don't act like a fan, be yourself." I said flatly to him.

"Ok. Ok, ok, ok. I don't need this. Poki, please you done enough I'll be fine." He said while waving a hand at me to stop. I squinted my eyes at him.

"Fine. But if you mess up not my fault." I told him as I got up from the floor and left.

Ninja POV

I was so grateful that Poki came over just to help me. I had no idea that Prime lost his job. I wanted to know more but it was already 10:30 and I needed to go.

Optimus Prime POV

I sitting in a booth at Coffee Plus waiting for Ninja to arrive. I checked my robot watch to see it was 10:45. Had I come too early? Was I to late? No I said 11:00 it wasn't even 10:50. I was the only one who was in this shop, so if anyone enters, it would probably be Ninja. I must have been tuned in my thoughts because I hadn't heard the door open and a worker say hello Sir!

"Prime?" I heard a high pitched but manly voice say. I looked up from the table to see a very small Ninja. I stood up from the table to give him a hand shake. I gently took his hand in mine and shook it. I felt something in my circuits spark. Was this true love?

Another cliffhanger :p

Ninja x Optimus Prime: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now