Chapter Ate

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Ninja POV

It has been an amazing couple of days in Hawaii. Prime has really outdone himself.

"So Prime, where are we going next?" I asked him, he was sitting on the couch in our presidential size hotel room, because I'm famous and they gave us a discount.

"Uh..I don't think we should go on any tours. How about we just stick to the beach like locals?" Prime said, I decided that that was a great idea. To act normal today. I grabbed Prime's cold metal hand in my warm skin hand. He left the couch and followed me too the kitchen. (Hah you thought they were gonna go frick :p)
"Ty, how bout you go change and I'll make some sandwich's and delicious snacks. Just like you ;)" One of Prime's eyes flickered as if he was winking. I felt my face get hot. I left for the bedroom.

Optimus Prime POV

Oh god. When Tyler blushes I can't even think straight. I decided to make ham, cheese, tomato, and lettuce sandwiches for the both of us, even though I'm a robot and incapable of eating human food. One day I actually did try eating by shoving a tomato up my exhaust pipe, but that didn't really work. It kinda just fell back out.
The bedroom door opened, and Tyler stepped back into the kitchen, wearing a black suit with a red tie. The tie just perfectly complimented his fruit punch Kool-Aid dyed hair.

"You look enchanting." I said in my monotone robot voice. There was a twinkle in his eyes when I said that. Tyler placed his warm hand on my cold, metal face, and I stared deep into his eyes.

"I love you." He said.
I blinked.
"What is this for?" I asked him. "What's the occasion?"

I saw Tyler reach for his coat pocket to check for something, but then there was a sudden knock at our door. Tyler quickly went to see who it was.

"Mr. Blevins and Mr. Prime?" A voice said from the other side of the door. I'd heard that voice before. Tyler and I stepped out of the Suite to see none other than Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks, with a black Tesla model X parked behind him. Alvin opened the car door for us, and we stepped inside.

We're back baby!
J&J xoxo

Ninja x Optimus Prime: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now